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Beyond the Deep Blue: Scuba Diving in the Andaman Islands

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

As the water baby of the family, I spent several foundational years visiting beaches across India during summer vacations and holidays. Looking out into the ocean, a calmness always washes over me that remains unmatched. As someone who’s always loved the big blue, trying my hand at scuba diving has been a bucket list item since I first learned about it.

As an international student studying in Massachusetts, I’m only afforded the luxury of being able to visit home once a year. Every year when I’m home, my parents make it the most memorable winter so that I can return to school rejuvenated. This past winter, they surprised me with a trip to the Andamans. It was an unforgettable experience, one that left its mark in the form of a tiny jellyfish sting on my hand.

Here are the highlights of the trip:

The Beauty of Havelock Island

Havelock Island (now known as Swaraj Deep) is one of the biggest islands in the Andaman group and is known for its stunning beaches. I had the opportunity to visit Radhanagar Beach and catch the gorgeous sunset. I was able to tell immediately why it was known as the best beach in India. The sand was fine and the beach was cleaner than what one would expect, considering the rising plastic pollution levels. I also tried my hand at parasailing at the Elephant Beach. Popular for attracting adventurous younger tourists, the beach offers a wide range of water sports that you can engage in. Going parasailing was a thrilling experience in itself; I was up about 500 ft in the air! With clear skies above and the island looming large behind us, the blue expanse stretched everywhere the eye could see.

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/ Unsplash

Getting Over The Nervousness

Although the TikTok and Instagram influencers might not show so, scuba diving can be incredibly anxiety-provoking. You are essentially giving up bodily control in several ways including having to rely on an oxygen tank for air, breathing through your mouth into a regulator, and building unique communication techniques between yourself and your dive instructor to make sure your experience runs smoothly. Essentially, you are entering uncharted territory. You don’t know what’s down there! And as much as that can be an exciting prospect, it is difficult to quiet the mind’s worries about the thousand things that can go wrong in such a situation.

I believe that for me, my trust in my instructor was essential, which on day one was pretty minimal. I felt overburdened and my stress level was at its maximum height. Switching my instructor halfway through the skills training was one of the best decisions I made. It was difficult not to overthink this decision; I didn’t want her feelings to be hurt when I chose to move forward with a different instructor. But, she reassured me that the goal of the dive resort was to ensure I had a fulfilling experience, irrespective of who I chose as my instructor. I was able to finish my skills training faster than my parents finished theirs, and the confidence my new instructor showed in me and his resolve to ensure I had an excellent dive experience furthered my belief in myself. We moved slowly but steadily through all the necessary safety procedures together and soon, I was ready for my very first dive! 

Meredith Kress- Underwater Snorkel Selfie
Meredith Kress / Her Campus

Same Time Tomorrow?

Once I plunged underwater for my first dive, all the anxiety was immediately expelled from my body. All I could hear and see around me was the ocean and its wonders. It’s such a sensory-heavy experience that it overtakes any anxiety you might’ve felt on the surface. Movements and environmental inputs are all in sharp focus. I’m convinced I was able to spot every fish from Nemo! I saw jellyfish, sea cucumbers, starfish, and broken parts of of a shipwreck. Magical is the only word that comes close to describing this experience, so I signed up for another dive the next morning at 5 a.m. The second dive was much better than the first. I felt more confident and I was ready to take on what the ocean had to offer me.

My trip to the Andamans expanded my appreciation for the beauty of nature and the diversity of life. Additionally, I experienced firsthand the joy of overcoming my fears, pushing my boundaries to cherish new experiences, and embracing adventure.

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Rhea Mukherjee

U Mass Amherst '24

Rhea Mukherjee is a junior at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She is majoring in Psychology and double minoring in English and Biology. A people's person, Rhea has a deep passion for mental health, awareness and adolescent wellness. When she's not nose-deep in work, you can find her strumming her ukulele, reading memoirs or writing poetry!