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The Best iPhone Study Apps

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Ready, set, study! With three weeks left in the spring semester it is time to seriously buckle down and begin preparing for those daunting foes: final exams.
There are so many tools on campus created to help you succeed, but there are also tools right in the palm of your hand. 
General Study Apps
Quizlet.com is a website which allows you to create and share flashcards and then generate practice tests using fill-in-the-blank, multiple choices, and matching questions. I began using Quizlet.com last semester around finals time, and while cramming in some last minute studying on my iPhone I discovered the app Flashcards+. Flashcards+ imports flashcards from Quizlet.com, so you can have your own virtual deck of flashcards easily accessible!
Avoid frenzied trips to Dubois with AccessMyLibrary, which, allows students to access their schools online research database. As a part of Cengage Learning students also receive access to Gale databases and eBooks.
Graphing Calculator($1.99)
Why spend $200 on a graphing calculator when you can spend $2? Time Magazine selected Graphing Calculator as one of the top ten back-to-school iPhone apps. Even if you still have to buy a graphing calculator for tests, this app is great for in-a-pinch situations.
Perfect for last minute review, with SparkNotes you get access to everything you would on the website, but more legible on your device with this mobile app. It comes with 50 pre-installed study guides with hundreds more available to download for offline use.
This one is kind of a no brainer, but the best part about this app is the Word of the Day notifications- expands your vocabulary without even trying!
Grade Calculator($1.99)
So you’ve studied your life away and now you want to predict your grades for peace of mind. For those of us who aren’t math majors, Grade Calculator is perfect as it allows you to input your grades and the weight that they hold, for easy calculation. You can also enter past grades to calculate your GPA!
Subject Specific Apps
Whether you’re a biology, chemistry, or physics major, or just struggling through your PS or BS gen-ed, no one enjoys writing out the calculations needed to create solutions. So, let the Solutions app do it for you!
College Psychology (Psych) 101 Flashcards($1.99)
Psych is an awesome class, and so is this app, whether you’re in Psych 100 or a higher-level class, these basic flashcards and quizzes will keep you refreshed.
Kaplan GRE Exam Vocabulary Flashcards and Reference Guide($4.99)
It’s never too early to start thinking about your next move, collegiettes, and if that next move is grad school its best to prepare sooner rather than later. This app has over 500 flashcards, which covers need-to-know GRE vocabulary words.
The iStart apps are available in four different languages: German, Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish. There are free, ad supported versions as well as paid versions for $4.99. Each app has 20-50 lessons on grammar and vocabulary, which culminate with quizzes to test your skills.
These are only a few of the millions of applications there are out there to help you succeed. Many of these apps
are free, though, sometimes it’s worth it to sacrifice the coffee and spring for the $0.99 app. Your iPhone can act as a full-time tutor if you utilize it to its full potential. Happy studying collegiettes!

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Alexa Harrison

U Mass Amherst

Alexa Harrison is the President and Editor in Chief of Her Campus UMass Amherst as well as a Management Intern at the Her Campus Media headquarters. She is a Senior English major and IT minor with a specialization in Nonfiction Writing. In her free time, Alexa enjoys going to museums; drinking iced green tea; and playing around with Adobe Creative Suite.