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Six Songs I Will Always Roll my Windows Down for

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

With the right company and the right playlist, a road trip or even just a long car ride can be a good time. After all, they say it’s not the destination but the journey to get there that’s the real experience. And the perfect playlist of songs can help you conquer any trek — one track at a time. For me it’s the music that sets the mood for any car ride, and with the right tunes your car rides will be nothing but a good experience and an enjoyable time. 

So while the weather keeps warming up and you start planning your summer road trip, make sure you’ve got the right tunes to not only set the tone but maintain it throughout your journey. You bring the snacks, we’ll provide the songs. Here are my top six songs (in no particular order) for your next trip.


In the mid-2000s, Rascal Flats breathed some fresh air from the open road into this 1991 classic road trip track, putting their cover into everyone’s favorite move Cars, but the original still holds up just fine. You want the ultimate travel song? You may have just found it.

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Released in 2014, this song reminds listeners to live freely and lightly. Obstacles will be thrown your way, but remember the good times and the moments that make life worth living. Having this song on in the car looking out the window gives you a euphoric feeling looking towards what will come. It would be impossible to not have a good time while listening to this song. 


Any time I’m at work or even in the library and this song happens to come on, it would be a crime to not move at least a little. Calvin Harris always produces family friendly tunes that just make you want to move and groove! The lyrics are pretty simple enough that even if you’ve never heard the song before, by the end of it you’ll for sure be able to sing a long to at least the chorus. This song is a must for playlists, especially on the way to the beach.


Every car ride that I’m with my grandma for, she has to play this song at least once. I feel like every generation is able to listen to this song and jam out to it. Not only is it in the fan favorite, Mamma Mia but lyrically, the song concerns a visit to the discotheque, but approaches the subject from the joy of dancing itself. Today, the song has become ABBA’s most recognizable and popular song. This song has reached top five on many charts, so I see no reason to not give this song a chance while you’re on the road!

The Jackson Clinics, Physical Therapy


Now your first instinct might be, of course this song is here, but the song was popular upon its release, hitting number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in February 1983, and the song has continued to be a popular soft-rock classic into the 21st century. This is a family favorite that I simply don’t think can ever be over played. 


Rihanna just had to be in the top six, and honestly I think that any of her songs would have worked. My best friend and I never have had a time where this song hasn’t come up at some point in the car, it’s really a staple for us and I think that it needs to be a staple for everyone else as well.

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Maura Maguire

U Mass Amherst '24

Maura is a Writer for the University of Massachusetts Amherst Chapter. She is a Sophomore majoring in Kinesiology on the Pre-Medicine Track. When she's not writing articles (or dreaming about being at the beach, buying another pair of converse or eating lemon bars), Maura enjoys running distances or working out.