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5 Ways to Kick up Your Cardio Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.
 Are you sick of the same old routine at the gym?

 If you are anything like me, you might have an attention deficit in the cardio department, so getting on the treadmill or elliptical is a bore. For us, not only is it hard to get started, it is hard to motivate ourselves to stay on for more than ten minutes.

 Maybe this isn’t you, but have you noticed that you have reached a fitness plateau or that you have been skipping your workouts?

 Being a college student is no easy chore. Our daily routines consist of class, work, eating, homework, socializing, sleeping and somehow we cram the gym into there too. With life being so busy, there is no time to plan premeditated workouts, so we unintentionally fall into habitual gym routines.

 There is nothing completely wrong with this—we are human and therefore creatures of habit. However, if you have fallen into a slump and can’t quite figure out why or how to pull yourself out then I have the solution to your problem.

Switch it up, and switch often.

Here’s How

  1. Try new cardio machines

    Is the elliptical your go-to? Try the Arc Trainers next to the boxing equipment. If you like the Precor machines overlooking the track, try the stepper by the stretching area. The Rec Center has 10+ different cardio machines on the third floor. If you don’t know how to use any of them, ask someone who works there.

  2. Use more than one machine during a workout

    Usually I will start on the Arc Trainer, move to the track and then end by going up-hill on a treadmill. If you are one to get bored at the gym, this routine might work for you. Do 10 minutes on each cardio machine and start to see results.

  3. Download an app!

    The best app I ever downloaded? The Nike Training Club App. Download it on your iPod or iPhone and you will understand.

  4. Try a cardio class

    Try a Group Fitness cardio class at the Rec Center. Ones that have been getting rave reviews include Cardio Kickboxing, Boot Camp and Buns, Guns and Guts. If you want to know more about these classes check the Rec Center website and Facebook page. Scared to try one? Bring a friend!

  5. Take your workout outside

    With the time you have before winter rolls in, move your workouts outside. Try hiking, bike riding or just go for a brisk stroll around campus. Take in the beauty of the Pioneer Valley and get your sweat on all at once.

It is important to do 30-minutes of sweat-breaking activity per day. Also, no matter your fitness level or experience, if you feel like you are in a slump, switching up your cardio routine could help you see the results you’ve been looking for. Push your limits because you will find the only things you regret are the things you didn’t do.