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5 Reasons to Use the Lulu App

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

We’ve been at UMass now for a little over two months and we’re starting to get into the swing of the party and guy scene. Utilizing apps such as Lulu allows you to scope out your dorm hottie by getting real advice about him from real people before you actually make your move.


  1. Lulu allows you to get advice about any guys at your school by going through your universities’ list. Friends, relatives, past hook-ups, girlfriends, and ex’s all have the ability to comment on the guy you’ve got the hots for. 

  2. You can give your own advice so others can stay away from some players and know who is worth their time.

  3. Everything is completely anonymous so you know you can be honest and you’re getting honest advice in return.

  4. The advice makes it easy to see whether he has good qualities because the guys are given grades out of 10 with different labels like #4.0GPA or #BigFeet…

  5. We all know we’re going to be thrown into a scenario where knowing the history of a guy is well worth it. Knowing who you’re getting involved with beforehand could be super important for your safety.

Not to mention it is SO much fun seeing your guy friends’ reviews and the Lulu app allows you to grade men in a respectful and classy manner!

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Sarah Freudson

U Mass Amherst

Hey everyone!My name is Sarah Freudson and I'm a junior studying Legal Studies and Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies at Umass Amherst! I am a sister of Sigma Kappa Sorority and am very passionate about philanthropy. I volunteer my time as an art assistant, spending time with the elderly and visiting the sick at hospitals.My one goal in life is to visit as many countries as possible.  I am Ukrainian and I go back to the homeland to visit family as much as I can!The most significant thing about me is my idolization of F. Scott Fitzgerald. His quote: "just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had," literally dictates my life. It shows the importance of volunteering along with the realization of how lucky we all are for our given circumstances.  I'm the type of girl that looks at the glass half full, thats for sure!!
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst