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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Every once in a while we all become unmotivated. It is extremely hard to be productive which can be very discouraging. This is why we sometimes need to come up with activities to do to clear our minds and get back on track. So, here are three things to do when you are feeling unmotivated. 

Turn your phone off 

Technology has advanced so quickly that it seems we couldn’t live without it. With that comes so many more distractions. Although we need our phones for essentials like calling people or keeping up with the news, there are so many more apps that are distracting. People spend up to 8 hours a day on their phones which makes it easy to not feel motivated. Ever since quarantine began, TikTok has consumed everyone’s lives. People also use Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter which are so easy to fall into a deep hole of scrolling for hours on end. Try turning your phone off or even just putting it on do not disturb until you are productive to motivate yourself. Not seeing your notifications will help you focus and reward yourself with some phone time after you complete a task. Also set an amount of time that you can be on your phone so your not on it all day. 

tik tok app on black iphone
Photo by Solen Feyissa from Unsplash

Move around a little 

Being trapped in one room for any period of time will make you feel tired, bored, and unmotivated. Going out and walking puts you out in the fresh air and hopefully wakes you up a little. Walks are a great way to clear your mind and help you focus better on the things you need to get done. If it is too hot or cold to walk, it’s good even to just get up and stretch or just change the location of where you’re doing work. If you’re in your room all day, maybe continue your work in the kitchen. The change of scenery is almost like pressing the refresh button to get you focused once again.

Tirachard Kumtanom

Make lists 

Making lists to me is a very rewarding system, especially to-do lists. It not only allows me to see what I need to do but it is also very satisfying when you can check a task off. You could even make multiple to-do lists – one for school work and another for other things you need to do during the day. I would say it is also better to make to-do lists daily rather than weekly. Making a to-do list for the week can lead to you feeling overwhelmed by everything you have to do and make you feel even more unmotivated. Another type of list that would be good to make is a list of your future goals – where you want to be in the future and the steps you can take to get yourself there. Seeing not only your goals but the smaller steps you can make towards them on paper works as a good motivator. 

To-do, list, paper, pen, journal
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters from Unsplash

It is so easy to feel unmotivated and overwhelmed, but it is important that you clear your mind and let yourself see all the things you need to do in front of you. It allows you to get work done when you’re looking at it and it’s much easier to work when your mind is cleared. Personally, I think since quarantine began, my ability to stay focused and get work down has been very hard. We are at our houses all day doing the same routine over and over. Coming up with ways to motivate yourself is the best way to keep from procrastinating every day! 


Sydney Dion

U Mass Amherst '23

Communication Disorders Major
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst