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2 Shows and 4 Reasons that Will Make You Addicted to Reality TV

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

My guilty pleasure: reality TV. At 14, I thought I knew what it meant to be in love with watching rich people be dramatic and get paid for it. I started out watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians, as most reality TV lovers do, and while it has everything that a reality television lover desires, it was only average compared to my two favorites: Vanderpump Rules and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

These two reality series stand unmatched. Vanderpump Rules shows the inside lives of bartenders, waitresses, hostesses, and managers who work at Lisa Vanderpump’s famous restaurants in Los Angeles. It offers a different perspective than typical reality TV because rather than following famous artists, models, and business owners, it dives into the lives of people aspiring to be actors, musicians, and models. They’re on the TV show to make themselves known and earn some extra money to help them achieve their dreams – because doing that on a server’s budget isn’t completely realistic. For 9 seasons you can watch these reality TV stars grow in their relationships and careers, and it is for sure my favorite show to recommend if you are a beginner reality television watcher.

The second-best reality television show is Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. And yes, it has to be specifically the Beverly Hills edition. This is because of Lisa Vanderpump, she is my first reason to watch reality TV.

  1. Lisa Vanderpump is a reality television goddess. She’s a British, strong, independent woman, who opened and runs multiple well-known restaurants in California: Sur, Tom-Tom, Villa Blanca, and Pump. She’s hilarious, throws outstanding tea parties, and is the perfect example of someone who stands on their own and doesn’t take any crap from anyone. She is the main star of Vanderpump Rules, and is also one of the real housewives until season 9 of Beverly Hills. Lisa Vanderpump brings all that you could want and more to reality TV and she is the reason you should start watching.

While Lisa is an excellent reason to watch Beverly Hills, this edition of Real Housewives in particular follows a bunch of different, down-to-earth, or emotionally distraught, people whose lives you get to watch unfold in the best way possible. You find people you hate and people you love, and most of the time as the episodes go on your feelings of the stars switch completely. There is an unrivaled amount of drama, crying, screaming, lawsuits, and catfights, and it is amazing. So, while I listed my two favorites, I want to keep giving my reasons why reality TV is so great, just in case I haven’t already convinced you.

  1. Reality TV has a way of making your life seem not so bad. While initially you may think that it would make you feel worse about your life because you don’t have the nice things they all have, after watching the drama unfold and the stress they all undergo, you begin to be a lot more thankful to be living somewhat of a normal life. Sometimes I get upset about not being able to go on vacation to Hawaii, but then I watch reality TV stars go on vacation to Hawaii, and they seem to have a more miserable time than one would expect, I feel all better again. 
  2. There is nothing better than watching rich people drama. It is hilarious! It is so unrealistic for someone like me, so to watch people who actually go through it is beyond entertaining. The affairs between Sur bartender and Real Housewife, the lawsuits for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, and the parties where someone is kicked out are instances that are all too perfect for reality TV. The best part is that their feelings are not made up. While they may be fabricated at times, you’re watching real people undergo real life events, and when it is funny, it is made funnier just by knowing that it is all really occurring. 
  3. My last reason to watch reality TV is that it is a genre that you can watch literally whenever. There is so much drama that is recapped almost every episode, so if you’re looking for something to have in the background while you do homework, a puzzle, or clean, it is perfect! You never feel like you’re missing any major plot points and there are so many episodes and seasons that it is basically unlimited. It’s even great to fall asleep to – until you wake up in the middle of a divorce – but that’s what keeps it interesting!

Reality TV offers never-ending entertainment and laughs and is my favorite way to unwind. Even if Keeping Up With the Kardashians is your jam, I respect where you’re headed. Sit down, grab your remote, and hit Hulu: it’s got everything you need and more.

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Megan Hawkins

U Mass Amherst '24

Meg is a sophomore at UMass Amherst and is a Psychology Neuroscience and Chemistry double major! She loves everything about the outdoors, but hiking/backpacking and biking are her favorites. She plays tennis and loves to bake cupcakes, and her perfect day would consist of going on walks with her cat, Kal.