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15 Things to Be Thankful for Today, as Told by Your Favorite Cartoon Characters

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

1. Love

Whether it’s a significant other, a best friend, your pet fish, or yourself, we all need somebody to love, and somebody to love us. Look in the mirror, and blow yourself a kiss.

2. The weather

Sure, it’s been kind of crazy lately, but whether the sun is shining or the wind is blowing, there is always a bright side. The rain is what brings life—without it, the flowers wouldn’t grow. The snow, while it may seem annoying in April, is still beautiful. 

3. Weekends

SLEEP. Plus, I’d bet that more than half of your collegiate memories come from adventurous weekends. 4. The ability to learn from your mistakes

Life throws challenges at you everyday, but they’re only worth fighting through if you remember what they taught you afterwards. 5. Your parents

No matter what your situation is, they taught you something and are a part of you. After all, they are how you, ya know, got here.  6. Having a home

Not everybody does. There are hundreds of homeless people living just around the corner in the town of Amherst. Don’t forget that. 

7. The fresh air that you breathe

Seems simple right? Next time you take a deep breath, be thankful that you can. There are many places in the world where this is not the case. 8. Laughter

It makes you smile, and it burns calories… what could be better? 

9. Time

Sure, maybe more would be nice, but we’re lucky to have been given any at all. 

10. Clean water

We literally cannot live without it. 

11. Sunsets

Especially in the Pioneer Valley, sunsets are frequently breathtaking and worth taking a few minutes out of your day to watch. 12. Music

There is always new stuff to explore; in fact, there are always old classics too. The party really never ends. 

13. A good hug

It makes everything better. 

14. Any opportunity to embrace your inner child

There is nothing quite like the bliss of being young, enjoy every second of it. 15. Your school

Shout out to UMass for being fabulous. Every school has its flaws, but we are lucky to be here, learning everyday and studying our passions. Schools shape us and make us into who we are and who we are going to become. That is most definitely something to be grateful for. 

Photos: cover, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

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Emily Adelsberger

U Mass Amherst

Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst