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10 Yankee Candle Scents for Your Favorite Holiday Activities

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

It’s that time of year folks. The holiday seasons are almost upon us! It’s time to whip out a box of matches and light some Yankee Candles to make your house smell oh-so-nice for all the different holiday activities you have planned. Here are some fragrant suggestions:

Setting up for Thanksgiving:

There is so much to be done around your house if you’re hosting the festivities this year, so why not fill the air with the scent of cinnamon apples and autumn leaves with the Autumn Wreath candle? This is sure to bring lots of cheer to you and all of your family members.

Baking Pies:

Whether you decide to make your pies from scratch, or “bake” them (and let the grocery store do all the dirty work) the Pumpkin Pie candle is a must. No matter if it’s accenting the real pies being made, or making up for the ones that you didn’t, it will permeate the air with an amazing aroma of molasses, cinnamon, pumpkin, and nutmeg.

Relaxing After Thanksgiving Dinner:

You’ve finished dinner, and now you’re full and ready to relax. Light up the Cranberry Pear scent, a mixture of tart but sweet scents, to enjoy as you claim your spot on the couch to wind down for the night. 

Making Christmas Cards:

Cinnamon Stick is just one of those scents that makes you think “holidays.” What’s not to like about the spicy smell? Enjoy this fragrance while getting your Christmas cards together, or while you make your own.

Drinking Hot Cocoa:

Now that school isn’t in session, you (hopefully) get to lounge around and relax a lot more, drinking hot cocoa with your friends and catching up on each other’s lives. Peppermint Bark, with it’s hint of chocolate and pepperminty aroma, is sure to be a great addition to your days. 

Decorating Your Christmas Tree:

The tree is finally up! When it’s time to decorate, light up the Balsam and Cedar scent to make your whole house smell like a Christmas tree forest, and let it envelop you as you string the lights and hang those ornaments you made in first grade. 

First Snowfall:

The first snowfall of the year calls for the White Christmas scent, of course. No snow where you hail from? Not to worry, with this candle burning, you can close your eyes and practically taste the flakes from inside your home.

Listening to Christmas Music:

Listening to holiday music always brightens the spirits, so why not make it even better by lighting the Mistletoe candle. Maybe you’ll even get a kiss from that special someone under the mistletoe if you’re really lucky.

Wrapping Christmas Presents:


If you’re like me, and wait until Christmas Eve to wrap your presents, then the perfect scent to enjoy while finishing up is, of course, Christmas Eve. Literally Christmas in a candle. Hurry and get those presents done, though, before Santa beats you.

Christmas Dinner Party:

Ah, Christmas has finally arrived, so be sure to enjoy the day by lighting the Home for the Holidays candle. It will make your house smell homey, with notes of clove, cinnamon, balsam and cedarwood, just in time for your Christmas dinner party.

So before you leave Western Mass, be sure to stop by the Yankee Candle Flagship store in South Deerfield to stock up on all your favorite holiday scents!

Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10Sources: 1

Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst