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The 10 People to Give a Valentine to Besides a Significant Other

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

I know what you’re thinking, Valentine’s Day is coming up and you don’t have that special someone to share it with. So, you plan on wallowing in self pity watching Netflix with a tub of Ben and Jerry’s. But even if you don’t have that cute guy or girl to celebrate with, there are plenty of other people you can show your love, appreciation, and affection towards! Here is a list of ten people that you can give a sweet valentine too.

1. Your Parents

This may sound lame at first but think about it, these are the people that raised you and helped you to get you where you are today. That’s pretty amazing! After all the things our parents do for us they deserve to receive some lovin’ too. Send them some beautiful flowers in the mail or even just a simple card. They’ll appreciate and love it.

2. Food

Come on, we all know us girls love food. Whether it’s the sushi, cookies, or pizza at the dining hall, we all can appreciate some delicious treats. Since you actually can’t hand a card to food, spend Valentine’s Day by eating some of your favorite foods. Don’t be afraid to pig out and indulge this Valentine’s Day!

3. R.A.

When we think of R.A.s we think of people who are out to get us or who can possibly get us in trouble. But when it comes down to it R.A.s are always there for us when we need them. They are there to help us and keep our community safe. And they could use some love especially after getting countless knocks on their door at 3am or dealing with puking drunk kids. So show your RA some love this Valentine’s Day and tell them how much you appreciate their commitment and HELP.

4. Professor

I know you’re probably groaning at this one but college professors can be some of the most amazing and interesting people we’ll meet. They devote their time to helping us succeed and grow to become a person with a career in the real world. And others simply just rock. Tell that favorite teacher of yours how much they inspire you and give them a little love.

5. Barista

Many people don’t usually have the same one each day, but think about it, we all run on our coffee or Chai Lattes each day and the barista gets us through it. We wouldn’t be able to pull all nighters or even find the energy to walk to class without our favorite caffeinated drinks. Show some love to the baristas of the world who supply you with the yummy coffee that energizes you to do all the amazing things you do.

6. Netflix

Where would we all be without Netflix? It’s there when we want to procrastinate our homework, to watch our favorite tv shows and movies, and doesn’t mind what we look like doing it. Netflix is always there for us whenever we want it, so we should show some love back. Spend Valentine’s day with Netflix, watching all it’s best movies and shows. A little alone time together could be great for the two of you.

7. Siblings

Even though sometimes we argue, yell, and at times seem to despise our siblings, deep down we all love them. They are always there for us whenever we need someone to talk to, grab lunch with, or simply laugh at our parents with. Whether it’s your brother or sister, younger or older, let them know you love them this Valentine’s Day.

8. Pets

We all can’t wait to get home from breaks and have our pet waiting for us at the door with excitement wagging in their tail. Pets are even better than humans because they can never let you down or even speak back, but they do show just as much love as humans. Send your pet a nice treat this Valentine’s Day to show them your love.

9. Best Friends

Our best friends are always the people we’re having the most fun with and can be ourselves around, so why not show them some love this Valentine’s Day? Tell your best friend how much you appreciate them in your life and then go out and do something super fun together. Who needs romantic dates and kisses when you got your best girl pal by your side?

10. Yourself

This could possibly be the most important one of all. Of course, always remember to love yourself! Treat yourself this Valentine’s Day by doing whatever you love to do. Don’t forget that loving yourself comes before loving others. We’re all amazing and deserve to feel special.

So what if you don’t have a stereotypical date this Valentine’s Day? Take this chance to show all the other people in your life how much they mean to you. Because in the end, this day is truly just devoted to love. And who doesn’t love spreading the love? There’s plenty of people to share the love with so don’t be like this guy. Send a Valentine to whoever you want!

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Carson McGrath

U Mass Amherst

Carson McGrath is in her first year at the University of Massachusetts. She is studying English and Journalism and hopes to one day write professionally. She is a triplet and loves the color orange, sushi, and Audrey Hepburn.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst