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You Know You Love Me: Gossip Girl Weekly Review

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Welcome back faithful Gossip Girlers, Her Campus’s Gossip Guy here with this week’s run down. April flowers bring May flowers, but we all know a new episode of Gossip Girl brings the drama.

This week’s episode starts off with poor Lily Van der Woodesen on house arrest, sporting a very young Hollywood starlet ankle monitoring bracelet. I’m not sure about you, fellow UMainers, but you can lock me up in an Upper East Side penthouse any day of the week. And it would seem that with no place to go, Lily has taken up online shopping to fill the void. Awww, that must be hard. Not. Blair’s French Prince has come calling and she’s frantically preparing to spend the day with him. Be wary little Waldorf, just because the glass slipper fits, that doesn’t mean it’s comfortable.
Serena is sending cousin Charlie all around Manhattan to spy on her friends to make sure Blair and Dan aren’t meeting up for a secret rendezvous. If you can’t trust your friends Serena, whom can you trust? We say no one. But it turns out that Humphrey has stumbled upon Blair’s secret French fling. Watch out you two, you never know who may be watching. When Serena goes calling on this hot date, she finds the dish nice and cold. It’s not Blair and Dan, and instead she finds Blair and Louie trying to lay low in the city. What you see isn’t always what you get, you of all people should know that S.

Nate is doing his normal noble deeds and is helping Raina Thorpe search for her mother. Haven’t these kids learned anything yet? If something doesn’t want to be found, there are always reasons why it shouldn’t be. Chuck agrees, let the unfound stay unfound; yet in true Bass form, he sticks his nose in it. The royals want Prince Louie sent home. Apparently dating a commoner isn’t accepted in France, but they haven’t met Blair Waldorf yet.
Blair convinces Dan to play along in her games so that Prince Louie can come to annual Pink Party under wraps. Easy goes it Dan, you never know what Blair is capable of doing when she’s not getting her way. Lily was almost left high and dry by her former friends, but not before Serena pulled a little blackmail out of her pocket to get the Pink Party hosted at the van der Woodsen’s penthouse. How does that saying go – like mother, like daughter? But it turns out that none of Manhattan’s elite women want anything to do with Lily any longer, and many of them like witnessing her downfall. Sounds like a strong case of jealously if you ask me.

A well placed kiss between Blair and Dan was supposed to throw off the Prince’s spying royal advisor. However, a nosy Charlie snaps a photo of the occasion, and Gossip Girl doesn’t spare a moment in posting it. Looks like Blair’s plan backfired, and now there’s some explaining to be done. Serena and Blair get into the whole “whose spotlight is bigger” argument, and Blair insists Serena is just jealous. Jealous that it’s her time, jealous of the connection she has with Dan and jealous of her Prince. So what’ll it be S, are you jealous of B?
After a visit to New Jersey reveals no mother for Raina, Nate wants to continue the search. Chuck steps in and says he’s initiating his own investigation, and that Raina’s mom may have fell victim to a certain fire years ago. Oh no, what a sticky situation this may turn out to be. In a very defiant move, Lily calls the cops on her own party and throws all those pink wearing meanies out of her home. Drama causing cousin Charlie shows up in Brooklyn to apologize to Dan about the whole Blair kiss fiasco. And she accidentally reveals it was Vanessa who got the Blair and Dan ball rolling in the first place. Uh oh, this newcomer better learn to watch her mouth when it really matters if she wants to survive.
Prince Louie and Blair finally go public for the entire world to see, complete with plenty of paparazzi. Good for you Blair, you caught your Prince. But are you sure he’s the one you really want? An apologetic Vanessa shows up at Dan’s to try and make right on her big mouth. Dan stops her, and their friendship short. Just because you’ve been friends since you were young, doesn’t always mean it’s going to stay that way. And a security tape from the night of that terrible fire brings all the answers to Chuck’s questions. Only thing is, are they the answers he wants to hear?
Until next time, you know you love me.
Jossip Gurl
P.S. Next Week – With only 2 episodes left of the season, things really start to heat up. And it looks like two Princes’ are fighting for Blair to be their Queen.

Macey Hall is a senior at the University of Maine studying Journalism with a minor in Sociology. She loves fashion and traveling, and studied abroad last year in England. On campus, she writes a weekly fashion column for the school paper, The Maine Campus, and is president of Lambda Pi Eta, an honor society for Communications students. Macey is an extrovert who loves laughing, tacos, clothes, and reading, and wants to be a Kardashian when she grows up.