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Why I Became a Black Bear

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Picking out your college can a terrifying decision, with fancy private schools and larger state schools it can be hard to make sense of it all. I remember feeling exactly the same over a year ago. In the fall of my senior year I had applied to eleven schools, all across New England and I had no idea what I wanted. I never thought I would love a huge school, having grown up in a small northern Maine town I had always overlooked my state’s flagship school. I thought I wanted a small liberal arts college with a sixty thousand dollar a year price tag. I thought that being able to tell people about my selective private university would make all my hard work in high school worth it. But when it came time to choose where I would spend the next four years I realised that how hard you school was to get into does matter. It’s how being there makes you feel. Umaine made me feel giddy, nervous, sort of scared but at excited all at the same time.

I decided I wanted to stay in maine and then narrowed it down to the University of Maine and a small private school in southern maine. I decided on the southern school, but I couldn’t stop imagining myself as a black bear. I couldn’t shake the feeling I had when i was standing on the steps of the Folger Library. So, two days before I had to put my deposit down I totally changed my plans. Orono would be my new home. My family was shocked, but I was stoked! Umaine’s financial aid package was by far the best I had gotten and I was three hours away from my hometown. The perfect distance for me. The University of Maine may be the largest school in the state but in my first few weeks being here it sure as hell doesn’t feel like it. The people are kind, as most Mainers are, and the food’s great.

The University of Maine is a great place to study, go out, and just chill with your friends on the mall. Even though I have only been here for a short time Umaine already  feels like home. My fellow classmates have made me feel more than welcome and I can’t wait to experience everything the university and Maine has to offer! I wouldn’t trade Umaine for any other school and I am so proud and honored to be a Black Bear.


*Photo courtesy of Taylor Roy*

Emma is a junior at the University of Maine at Orono. She double majors in sociology and political science and is minoring in law and legal studies. In her free time, Emma loves to go fishing, snowmobile, kayak, read, sew and explore the great state of Maine! Instagram: @empooler
Mary is a fourth year Ecology and Environmental Science major at the University of Maine, with a concentration in sustainability. Mary loves to read, spend time with her Alpha Phi sisters, cuddle with her cat, and drink coffee. She hopes to save the environment and adopt alllll the kitties.