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What To Do With a Month of Free Time After a Busy Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

If you’re anything like me, you have no idea what the concept of “free time” even is or what it is like not to be busy. Between classes, clubs, work and the social life you CANNOT give up, the only time you are ever home is long enough to sleep and do your make up in the morning (sometimes). While all of this is going on, the idea of winter break is nice but now that it actually comes down to it, you are forced into this break. No classes (except for the unfortunate souls taking a winter term), no club meetings and all of your friends are back home instead of in the next building over at the Ave. So before you go catatonic from boredom here are a few things to spend your time on during the month where there is nothing to do at home.

Binge watch TV or movies

Watch as much Netflix or Hulu as possible. Catch up on all of your shows, re-watch the Gilmore Girls revival (so that you can try and come to grips with Rory’s life) or watch 100 cheesy Christmas movies in a row. Spend a day with your laptop in your sweats, eating absolutely nothing that is healthy for you.

Go shopping with your high school friends

Reconnect with your old besties over a shopping trip and fill each other in on your lives and gossip about everyone else you went to high school with and what they are doing now. Spend a chunk of your gift money on some new Lululemons.

Go out to lunch with your Mom or Dad

This will only take an hour or two and then you can go back to binging Netflix, but make sure to make some time for the people who brought you into the world and continue to put up with you constantly asking for “an extra $20, just to get me through until I get paid”. Plus you will probably have a good time because they will probably pay and free food is always great. And you might actually like your parents so that’s a plus too.

Learn how to cook something new

Maybe take some time to learn how to make something new that is easy enough that you can make at school? That way you can save that $20 from one less OHOP pizza ordered every week.

Update your resume

Only if you are feeling super motivated of course. But odds are that unless you are a senior applying for jobs, you haven’t looked at your resume in months and probably don’t have time to give it much thought during the regular semester, so it’s kind of the perfect time to get that set in stone.

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Calen is a fourth year Mass Communications major with a Marketing minor and a Psychology minor at the University of Maine. She is a sister of Alpha Phi and enjoys hiking at home in the Rocky Mountains, traveling, reading, and spending time with family and friends.
Chloe is a fourth-year Mass Communication major at the University of Maine. She is the Editor-in-Chief/Campus Correspondent of Her Campus UMaine. She is also contributing editor for Odyssey UMaine. Check out her blog at https://cdyer.bangordailynews.com/. She is passionate about writing, and in her free time enjoys reading, traveling and blogging.