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This Week’s Campus Cutie: Hunter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Basic Facts
Name: Hunter Andreasen
Hometown: Portland, ME
Relationship Status: Single
Sign: Aquarius

Twitter? Have one, don’t use it

Campus Life
Major: Computer Engineering
How are you involved on campus:  Club Lacrosse member
Favorite place to eat in Orono:  OHOP, pretty universal answer
Campus posse (name some friends):  DRich, Ridger, Mulls, Snowflake

Best place to meet girls at UMaine: Gym and in class
Why did you choose UMaine: Cost

Best Professor: Christian Wilson

Best Class: Calculus
Worst Class: Eng 101
How do you like to spend your weekends here: Work hard, play hard


What is on your ipod’s top rated: ASAP Rocky or PRO-era
Boxers or Briefs:  Boxers for sure.
An embarrassing confession:  I drunk dialed my dad.
Ski or Snowboard: Ski
Salty or Sweet:  Sweet
Cats or Dogs:  Dogs
Dream job: Husband of first women president
Biggest Pet Peeve: When someone is constantly late

Favorite Charity: National Breast Cancer Foundation.
Three words to describe yourself: Reserved, smart, compassionate


Favorite song to dance to at a party: can’t get enough – j. cole
Favorite food: Home cooked chicken wings/ribs 
Favorite Beer:  Budweiser
Favorite App (game or otherwise): Tinder

The Nitty Gritty
Craziest place you’ve ever had sex: Macy’s Changing Room

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: Snaps
What do you look for in a significant other: Sense of humor
Deal-breaker: Bad teeth

Celebrity Girl Crush: Evangeline Lilly
Celebrity Man Crush: Tom Brady


Kate Berry is a fourth-year journalism major at the University of Maine in Orono. She loves reading about the latest trends and events. 
Taylor is a fourth-year journalism student at the University of Maine and one of Her Campus UMaine's campus correspondants. Taylor was born right outside of Philadephia, Pennsylvania, but spent summers teaching sailing on Vinalhaven, Maine. Taylor also produces video for The Maine Campus, and loves making videos.