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Weekly Workout: A Call to Arms with Lauren Conrad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

A Call to Arms with Lauren Conrad

With summer right around the corner, it is almost time to bare those arms that have been hidden all winter long. These moves come straight from Lauren Conrad’s trainer, Jarett Del Bene, and will get you toned, lean, and strong arms just in time for those sleeveless sundresses!

Close Grip Push Ups? In push up position, keep your hands close together and your elbows tight to your sides as your do push ups to target the triceps while also working your chest and shoulders… Do as many as you can.
Front Raise with Triceps Extension? Sit upright, weights hanging by your sides with palms facing in. Keep your arms straight and raise the weights above your head until your arms are extended. Then, bend your elbows and drop the weights behind your head—keeping your elbows tight by your ears. This works your shoulders and triceps. Do 15 reps.??
Hammer Curls ?Stand or sit with palms facing in. Curl weight until your arm makes a 90-degree angle and hold it there for 5 seconds, lower then repeat. This works your biceps. Do 15 reps. If you do these moves 3 times a week, you will see results in no time!
Workout compliments of LaurenConrad.com