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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

If anyone chose to trek out into the snowy conditions created by the storm Juno, beautiful sights like this one could be seen through the snowy haze. Many of us stayed indoors while the brave few took part in snow activities like making jumps at the fraternity houses or building snow forts on the tennis courts. When walking to the dining halls came as a challenge, I think all of us could I agree that at some point on Tuesday, “The Blizzard was Real”. 


Hannah Mayhew is a pre-veterinary/animal sciences major at University of Maine in Orono! If she's not in the library studying, she's usually taking pictures of nature or staying fit. She has a passion for animal activism and fashion. Having traveled to numerous countries she plans to live abroad in South Africa. She loves peanut butter cookies, music festivals, and the t.v. show Parks and Rec.
Kate Berry is a fourth-year journalism major at the University of Maine in Orono. She loves reading about the latest trends and events.