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Sex with Sarah: Best Ways to Meet a Guy on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Welcome back black bear collegiettes!  I hope everyone had a fun, sexy and safe summer. While summer may have been too short, fall is the start of a new school year and new opportunities! Instead of being bummed out that vacation is over, think about all the new adventures that lie ahead of you.
 This is the time to join that club you always wanted to be a part of or get involved in intermural sports; you can even join a sorority! The best part about starting something new? Meeting new people, in particular, new boys! Contrary to popular belief, the Brew/Roost/Woodmans is NOT the most ideal place to meet a new man. Sure you might be able to hook up with someone, but let’s be real, the relationship probably won’t get much deeper than you’re shared love of cheap well drinks. By starting something new, you are meeting new guys who you might not have seen out, and they will most likely have similar interests to you. Nervous to branch out or just don’t know where to start? Here are my top 5 suggestions for meeting new guys and kicking the year off right! Plus, you’ll be enriching your college experience ;)

1. Join a club: There are TONS of clubs here at UMaine, and a lot of them are very active! There are political clubs, social clubs, language clubs, and clubs relating to sports. If you want to meet future politicians, join College Democrats. Feel like getting to know some rugged dudes? Check out the Woodsmen team (yes they actually have female members). My personal favorite? The Outing Club! They do tons of trips during the year, they have a cabin up at Sugarloaf, and in general is a really fun, chill crowd. Plus it’s only $15 to join and that will cover all your costs for the year!

 2. Participate in an intermural sport: Let’s face it, while most of us played sports in high school, we’re not at the D1AA level. Intermural sports are a great way to keep playing your favorite sport without the added pressure of NCAA rules and regulations. PLUS there are coed teams so you can meet some guys who are into the same sports. That and a little friendly competition never hurt anyone ;)


3. Classes:
This may come as a surprise, but classes are actually a great way to meet guys. It might be a little harder in the larger classes where people tend to keep to themselves, but often times in the smaller classes you get to know your classmates a little better. You have time before and after class to chat and share in the misery of your upcoming exam and 20-page study guide (if anyone’s taken psych with Dr. Farthing, you know what I’m talking about). Especially within your major you begin to see the same people more and more and after a few introductory conversations it’s pretty easy to get together a study session in the library. That’s how I got to know a very cute baseball player junior year (thank you Dr. Farthing and your miserable study guides).
4. House parties: House parties are entirely different then going to a bar. Generally, you either know the host or at least know the group of people going. It also means that there will be friends of friends there, so you might get to meet some new guys who aren’t total randoms. If they run in your circle, or at least in your sphere of acquaintances, then there is a good chance you will share some similar qualities and interests.

5. Join Greek life:
Sororities are a great way to meet guys because you have functions that are specifically for meeting guys. Like shooting fish in a barrel right? There are socials, formals, and there is bound to be a sister who is dating a frat guy who has multiple cute friends. Your big sister is dating the president of Fiji, his buddy is cute and single, they introduce you, yada yada yada…. it’s a match made in PanHellenic heaven.
So get out there girls and really take advantage of all that college has to offer you, because the more you get involved the more people you will meet, and the more people you meet the greater your chances are of finding the next boy toy.