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The Prettiest of Pretty Lights

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Writing this article is taking a little more effort than it would if Sunday wasn’t such a blast.  I started my day off by going to the Common Ground Fair, since I am a bit of farmers market addict and love organic food.  Then I took the time to soak in some sun and relax before what I knew was going to be a crazy night- Pretty Lights had arrived in Lewiston!
 Sunday night Colorado came to The Colisee and brought with them a whole new life. The show started at 7 p.m. with Big Gigantic opening. They had some sexy sax jams and really started the show off right. Getting everyone amped up for the main act lead to the worst part about any show. Waiting during the set changes after you’re already in the zone has the potential to be a complete buzz kill.  Fortunately, being 21 has its perks and waiting in line for a $5 beer killed the time nicely.

Pretty Lights finally came on and had a phenomenal set. It was a pretty intimate show with a lot of room, A.K.A. plenty of space to dance up a storm. I met up with a great crew there and spotted too many UMainers to count as well as countless friends from my past.  Pretty Lights played from about 9 p.m. to12 a.m., not nearly enough time. The entire show however he had crazy “pretty lights.” There was a cityscape made up of lights that would change and twist, black lights, lasers: it was a complete light show and a complete concert wrapped into one.  He played basically all of his best songs, unfortunately not his newest, “Country Roads”, a John Denver remix and my personal favorite.  It was a 5 hour party with great people and great music. I’ve seen Pretty Lights several times and this was such a classic set and the light show setup was definitely the best.

Chas Bruns should have the pictures up soon and everyone that did not go can see what they missed. My advice is to go next time and sleep when you’re dead. Dancing at a great show is probably my favorite way to burn some cal’s and break a sweat. It’s a healthy experience that leaves you happier than ever.

photo credit: google images