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Pre-Workout Energy Boosting Foods

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.


Feeling sluggish and tired at the gym lately? This might be because of what you are, or aren’t, eating before you workout. Everyone needs a little energy boost before heading to the gym, but the real trouble is finding what foods will give you the energy you need. As you may already know, working out on an empty stomach is not ideal and neither is working out on a full stomach. So what is the perfect combination? A small snack that is a combination of mostly simple carbs with a little bit of protein should give you the fuel you need to power through your workout.  Try these options to avoid feeling tired and sluggish at the gym so you can maximize your workout.

  • Raisins:
    A digestible food such as raisins or other dried fruit (about 2 tbsp) contains vitamins, minerals and fiber that are important for exercise and recovery. Be careful not to go overboard though, most dried fruits are high in sugar.


  • Peanut Butter on a piece of whole grain bread:Almond butter is ideal, but regular peanut butter will work just the same! Peanut butters are rich in protein and healthy fats that both keep you satisfied longer, in turn keeping your energy up longer also. Using whole grain bread provides your body with more protein and fiber then enriched white bread.


  • Veggies and Hummus
    : Dipping cucumber slices, carrots, celery or even sliced sweet peppers in hummus is a great heart-healthy protein and fiber rich snack to get you through your workout.  Hummus comes in plenty of flavors so you’ll never get bored and also now comes in single serving packets making it even easier.


  • DIY Trail Mix:Instead of opening up a pre packaged store brand create your own trail mix. There are endless options to mix together with out all the added salt and sugar that you find in the store bought brands. Try combining ¼ cup dried fruits, ¼ cup nuts (almonds are a great choice but it is up to you!) and ¼ cup whole grain cereal of choice, if this isn’t enough to keep you full, you can also bulk it up by adding some popcorn such as Orville Redenbacher’s Smart Pop.


  • Coffee:
    Drinking a cup of coffee prior to your work out has shown to increase calorie burn while also giving you a boost of energy; this is because of the caffeine. However, don’t down a cup of coffee right before you head out for your workout, finish your cup about 30 minutes prior to working out for best results, and if you haven’t eaten in a while pair it with one of the snacks above to avoid digestion irritation.


photo credit: google images