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How to Deal with Beginning A New Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

The start of a new semester always stresses me out. Not knowing things like the professor’s teaching style or how many assignments I’ll have a week doesn’t help with the anxiety of having to wake up early enough for new classes and the hundred other stressors that the start of the semester brings. When I’m home from school, I get into a routine of working and seeing my friends with what feels like little responsibilities, so having to get back into the swing of school can be tough.

Sometimes when I am overwhelmed with schoolwork, I forget to take care of myself. Taking care of yourself is super important! Getting your assignments completed should be a priority, but never over your mental health and your wellbeing. Taking a shower always helps me feel better when I’m feeling down. Talking to friends and family back home over Facetime also really helps me feel better when I’m upset. My cousin is one of the people who always knows how to calm me down and distract me from the world for a little while. Hanging out with my friends at school is another way I relieve stress from schoolwork and help calm me down. My best friend up here always makes me happier, and it is nice to know that there are people there for you when you need them. Journaling has become a form of therapy for me. It’s nice to be able to write whatever is in your head down on paper and write until you have no more thoughts you want to let out.

I try to keep on top of assignments but not stress myself out if I do fall behind. And even when you feel like you’re really behind with work, you might just be overthinking it. A day at the library studying or spending the day in my bed doing assignments really helps me bounce back from feeling like I’m so far behind in my classwork. Organizing your notes can motivate and prepare you for the semester as well. I use Notion to take my notes because it is so easy to organize my thoughts in one place and make them look pretty with different colors and pictures. I find that having this system when I take my notes makes it easier to take them and even though it still isn’t fun having to take notes, it makes it more enjoyable. 

It’s so easy for me to forget to eat during the day. I always develop a bad eating schedule when I come to school, and I want to try to not let that happen this semester. Making sure you remember to eat is important, even if it is just snacking throughout the day in between classes. Food is fuel and our bodies need it to function and survive, so remember to feed yourself! Target runs are a must when I want snacks (and just to go walk around the store, because who doesn’t love Target).

Getting involved isn’t always easy and becomes even harder when schoolwork seems never-ending and your days get more tiring. I think it is important to do, though, and getting out and seeing a group of people interested in the same things you are feels good and makes my day a little bit better. As much as being involved is important, relaxing and doing nothing always calms me down after a long day of work. TikTok and Netflix become my comfort as I wind down and relax after a tough day. College can feel lonely and isolating, but remembering that people are all around you for support as the semester begins is crucial in keeping ourselves happy and healthy.

Hannah Nasiff

U Maine '24

Management and accounting major at umaine. Writing is a form of therapy!