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How To Stay In Shape While Traveling For Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Traveling for spring break or going home where your gym membership isn’t included in tuition? No worries, there are plenty of ways to stay in shape without the gym or any equipment.

Waiting in airport security lines? Use your purse or carry-on as a dumbbell, curl it up!  Next try some weighted squats with an added row using your purse or carry-on as your weight.  With a wide stance sit back into your squat, keeping your knees behind your toes and chest up while holding the weight straight-armed. As you come up from the squat row your arms up and your bag to your chin. You might feel foolish doing this in security lines, and if so, do these moves when you get to your destination, or before you leave.

Airport Starbucks taking forever to brew your latte?  Do wall push-ups off their counter!
Now you are through the security line and have your coffee, and partially through your workout!  As you sit at your gate continue your workout by doing tricep dips and using your seat as a bench.

All of these exercises should be performed in three sets of 12-15 or one set of 25-50, three times per week.

Whether you are in the airport or at your house, all of these moves can be done with everyday objects. Other great exercises that can be easily performed with no special equipments are planks or walking lunges, which are effective for toning and get you results fast.

On top of this basic toning work out, you should try to incorporate 30-45 minutes of cardio five days per week.  If you are on a beach vacation, stroll the beach at a fast paced walk while scouting spring break eye candy. The sand adds extra resistance, which will make your workout harder. At home for break? Bundle up and take your family dog for a walk or snow shoeing.

If you have your computer with you, workout system p90x has a great Ab Ripper x video, which you can find on YouTube. It is a short video, but works your abs hard, and is convenient because you can do it anywhere that you have a computer.
Happy Spring Break UMaine, don’t let your fitness regimen go on vacation just because you’re on vacation!
Images from examiner.com and p90x

Macey Hall is a senior at the University of Maine studying Journalism with a minor in Sociology. She loves fashion and traveling, and studied abroad last year in England. On campus, she writes a weekly fashion column for the school paper, The Maine Campus, and is president of Lambda Pi Eta, an honor society for Communications students. Macey is an extrovert who loves laughing, tacos, clothes, and reading, and wants to be a Kardashian when she grows up.