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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

February is finally here and we all know what that means: grocery stores filled with pink and red candies, huge teddy bears going on sale, flower shop advertisements, endless jewelry store commercials and hearts everywhere you go. If you’re in love and corny af, it’s one of the best times of the year. If you’re single though, the thought of Valentine’s Day is beyond cringeworthy. This year, it happens to fall on Tuesday so even those in long distance relationships have to suffer. Instead of staying in your dorm/apartment cursing love, hating the world or painfully missing your significant other, I have six tips on how to make it a little more enjoyable. 

1. Have a date night with your lonely best friends.

Get each other flowers and chocolate and go out to dinner together. You can dress up and feel good about yourself, and spend some time with your friends. You definitely don’t need a S/O to have a great night!

2. Have a girls night in.

Get a face mask, paint your nails, order pizza, put your phone away and watch a romantic comedy together. Talk about your friendship and all the memories you’ve shared together. Spread the love and tell your friends three things you love about them. 

3. Treat yo’self!

Even if all your friends have plans, you can still give yourself the day to relax and reflect. Get some nice candles and take a bath with some relaxing music, cook something you’ve been wanting to try, pamper yourself with a spa basket and feel good, buy a giant teddy bear and cuddle with it all night long, stuff your face with chocolate until you cannot move a muscle…the possibilities are endless! 

4. Tinder it up girl.

You may think you’re the only sad, lonely soul on V Day but think again. Hop on Tinder and you’ll be in a sea of people just as single as you!

5. Go shopping and spoil yourself.

Go get a bomb outfit, some new shoes you’ve had your eyes on, or splurge at Sephora with all the money you aren’t spending on someone else. With all the couples out to dinner or at the movies, the shopping malls and makeup stores will be empty. Unless someone’s S/O is buying them everything they could possibly want and in that case, just run away and at least wait until you get to your car to cry lol.

6. Make yourself better.

Spend the day at the gym, read a book you’ve been dying to crack open, or bust out some homework. Valentine’s Day can just be any other day if you want it to be. Focus on yourself and the platonic relationships in your life that make you happy.

All in all, Valentines Day can be hard if you’re single or too far away from your loved ones but it doesn’t have to be a day of misery and self pity. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and make someone wish they had asked you to be their valentine! Also, be sure to hit up the stores for discounted candy on February 15th lol. 

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Mary is a fourth year Ecology and Environmental Science major at the University of Maine, with a concentration in sustainability. Mary loves to read, spend time with her Alpha Phi sisters, cuddle with her cat, and drink coffee. She hopes to save the environment and adopt alllll the kitties.