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How To: Self Breast Examinations

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

How To: Self Breast Examinations

In honor of breast cancer awareness month, it seemed only natural that we provide you with a few quick tips on how to perform self-breast exams. Performing self exams monthly is a very important step in
preventing breast cancer and keeping you lump-free! Take a look at these easy  tips on how to perform a self-breast exam in just a few minutes!

What to pay attention to during these procedures:
-Bulging or dimpling of breast
-Redness or swelling
-Change in position of nipple or inverted nipple

Here are five simple procedures that you can do to check your breasts for lumps.
1. Stand up straight in front of a mirror and put your hands on your hips

2. Stand in front of a mirror with your arms above your head

Look to see if there are any fluids coming out of your nipples

4. Lay down on your back. Using a firm touch move in circular motions covering all parts of your breast. Use your right hand for your left breast and your left hand for your right breast.

5. Using the same hand motions and firmness, cover all parts of your breast while standing or sitting.

6. If anything seems abnormal to you, make sure to see your doctor as soon as possible.
