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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

In Life, especially in college, everyone experiences some type of failure. It’s the worse feeling in the world. Some see failure as a point to stop and change what they are doing. But most of the time that’s wrong. Failure brings caution but it also brings determination.  You shouldn’t be moping and saying I can’t after failure. Instead you should be saying what can I do to do better and rise from the ashes. Failure teaches you hardships but it gives you the power to be like alright, I am strong enough to get through this even if at that point it doesn’t feel like it. So, in the sight of failure, keep your chin held high take a deep breath and remember you can do anything you set your mind to.


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Ali is a third year Mechanical Engineering major at the University of Maine. She enjoys volunteering with FIRST Robotics, reading and spending time with friends.
Mary is a fourth year Ecology and Environmental Science major at the University of Maine, with a concentration in sustainability. Mary loves to read, spend time with her Alpha Phi sisters, cuddle with her cat, and drink coffee. She hopes to save the environment and adopt alllll the kitties.