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For the Health of It- Weekly Tips!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Every week we will be having a For The Health of It article to give all of your UMaine Collegiettes some healthy tips to try! 

Tip 1:
Brighten your day with a Brita!
Bottled water may be convenient, but did you know that an estimated 9 out of 10 plastic water bottles wind up in landfills or littered on streets and parks? Save money by buying a re-usable water bottle and fill it up at home with a water filter. You’ll not only save money and the environment, but you’ll also rid your body of nasties such as lead, mercury, and asbestos, all of which a filter can get rid of! You can even buy water bottles now that have filters in them!
Tip 2: It’s all in the hips…
Studies have shown that women are more likely than men to have weak knees. Hips of steel may be a  joint – saving solution! The stronger the muscles around your hips are, the better you can control your femur (the thigh bone), which helps stabilize your knee. An easy hip – strengthening move: Tie a resistance band around your ankles, squat slightly and step side – to – side with as wide a stride as you can.

Tip 3: Geek out
A study from Rush University Medical Center in Chicago found that people who spend more time engaging in brain – stimulating activities such as going to museums, solving puzzles, listening to music, lower their risk of developing Alzheimer’s by 50% compared to those who don’t.
Tip 4: Turn off electronics an hour before bed!
The glowing screens from your TV and laptop emit blue light that keeps you up by suppressing melatonin, a hormone that regulates your body clock. And getting less than seven to eight hours of sleep a night leads to increased levels of ghrelin, the hormone that makes your crave waisteline – thickening, artery – clogging comfort foods.

Tip 5: Oh those pearly whites!
Brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash every morning & night before bed. Those nights where you just want to collapse into your comfy bed, chew on this: Your mouth harbors 400 to 800 species of bacteria – and they’re heading for your tooth enamel! And brushing alone can miss up to 30% of your teeth surface! Yuck!
Facts & Tip compliments of WomensHealthMag.com