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For the Health of It…Holiday Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.


Tip 1: Don’t Let the Holidays Throw You Off Track

Splurging every once in awhile is fine, but make sure it is just that…a splurge. With the endless holiday parties it is easy for your splurges to add up and before you know it you’re eating sugar cookies and drinking spiked eggnog every night. Opt for the healthy hors d’oeuvres like veggies or bring your own app that you know will be kind to your waistline.

The best way to avoid overeating at a party is to fill – up beforehand with a healthy meal. While at the party sip your wine, don’t down a bottle. No one likes a slob – kabob anyway, especially at a get – together with friends and family.

Tip 2: Remember When…
Remember when you would spend hours outside sledding or making sugar cookies with your mom? Why not bring those activities back this winter and make new memories!? You’ll feel like a kid again and instantly feel the stress of the holidays melt off of you. So pop in your favorite holiday classic, and curl up with your family and a glass of hot cocoa. It’s all about family and friends during the holidays.
Tip 3: Baby, It’s Cold Outside!
Winter is a wonderful time of year, but the chapped lips and dry skin can leave you feeling anything but glamorous for all of the holiday parties. Did you know that those are two signs of dehydration? In the summer it is easy to remember to drink lots of water because it is so hot and humid out, but during the winter it is just as important to drink up! Winter conditions are actually tougher on our skin than summer. Aim to consume two to three liters of water each day in order to help avoid the winter dryness! In addition to drinking up, Lauren Conrad suggests pressing cold, sliced cucumber directly to your lips to help hydrate your pout, relieve dryness, and reduce irritation.

Tip 4: Deck the Halls!
Now that it is officially December, it is entirely appropriate to deck the halls. With our college student budgets, we may not be able to go all out with the holiday décor like our parents, but right now stores have shelves stocked with glittery, sequined, holiday decorations that are just waiting to brighten up your apartment or dorm room! Decorating your home will help you get in the holiday spirit, especially when Maine is lacking the snow. Lauren Conrad has lots of DIY decoration ideas that are cheap and easy for a college student!

Tip 5: Helping Hand
The holidays can leave us feeling stressed and feeling like Charlie Brown, but don’t forget what the holidays are really about. Spend time with family and friends and be thankful for all that you have. Donate food to a local food pantry or lend a helping hand at a community dinner for the less fortunate. You will feel great and remember all of the things that you are thankful for this season.  

photo credit: google images