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For the Health of It!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.


Get Competitive
A recent study from the University of Illinois Urbana – Champaign showed that “competitive athletes are better at juggling different mental tasks and have quicker reaction times both on and off the field than those who don’t play sports”. Organized sports such as basketball and soccer offer great cognitive training – you run and pass the ball all while trying to avoid opponents and keep track of teammates. Those skills apply directly to everyday tasks. Consider scheduling a regular pick-up game with your friends!

Take a Break
Research from Stockholm University in Sweden found that employees were equally if not more productive when they exercised for two and a half hours during the week than when they spent that time working and they also felt better about their performance. “Physical activity improves the brain’s oxygen consumption, which can boost mood and concentration” says study author Ulrica von Thiele Schwarz, Ph.D. This leads to “greater motivation, increased energy, and more cooperation among colleagues”. So take a post-lunch walk or attend a yoga class at the Rec. Center, checking your inbox can wait!

Success at Your Finger Tips
It’s one of everyone’s New Years Resolutions: Stop snacking! Researchers have found a way to help you accomplish just that. A study at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, participants were given popcorn to munch on as they watched a movie but were told which hand to eat with. Those who used their non – dominant hand ate 30 percent less than those who didn’t. By switching sides you are disrupting the unconscious hand – to – mouth pattern. Next time you sit down to watch t.v. and get your snack on, make sure you pick sides – your weaker one.

 Get Glowing in the a.m.
Rather than stumbling into the kitchen to make coffee, stretch! “Stretching loosens your muscles, revs up your circulation and helps your skin look rosy” says Eva Ritvo, M.D. You don’t even have to leave your room. Just find some yoga moves that you make a ritual of doing every morning and start your day off right!


Get to Steppin’
New research from the University of Missouri in Columbia found that kicking up your feet during the week because you busted our your recommended weekly minimum 150 minutes of exercise on the weekend may raise your risk for heart disease. Study author John P. Thyfault says “the key is to consistently take 10,000 steps each day to keep your blood sugar levels from creeping up midweek due to inactivity”. There are many ways to get these steps in, find out what works to you and get to steppin’!

photo credit: google images