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Halloween Decorating: 3 Styles to Match Your Personality

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Though the days of Trick-­or-­Treating may be far gone, it doesn’t mean you can’t get into the Halloween spirit! And of course with any kind of decorating endeavor, everyone’s got a different style. Is yours cute, spooky, or subtle? Here are collections from all three styles to inspire the perfect Halloween dorm or apartment decor for you.

Do happy pumpkins and black kittens make you smile? Cutesy Halloween is for you.

Is cutesy too sweet for you? Channel the scary side of Halloween with this collection sure to give your guests the creeps. 

It’s a tough balance for those of us who are into Halloween but shy away from anything too bold or obvious. Here’s a more subtle collection for a subdued Halloween. 


Terry Shortt is a fourth year Journalism major minoring in WGS Studies and Creative Writing at the University of Maine. In her free time she enjoys writing, reading, playing dress up, crafting, and eating. She fancies herself to be a sex positive, feminist, Martha Stewart. She enjoys the simple pleasures in life, like warm summer nights and perfect cat-eyes.
Hannah began her involvement with Her Campus as a contributing writer for the UMaine chapter after transferring from Seton Hall University in 2013. Currently, she is the HC UMaine Campus Correspondent and a Chapter Advisor. She is also a staff writer at the University of Maine's student newspaper, The Maine Campus. As a fourth year Journalism student with an English minor, Hannah enjoys writing everything from hard news stories to GIF-filled listicles. In addition to her involvement with Her Campus, Hannah coaches a junior varsity high school cheerleading team. In her spare time, you can find Hannah sharing hair tips on her personal blog, obsessing over Justin Bieber and re-watching episodes of Gossip Girl.