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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

The transition from summer to fall can truly impact every aspect of your life. The weather starts changing, people are going back to school and all of these factors can drastically change the way that your skin may look and feel.

I know that personally for me when it comes to seasons changing, my skin does not handle it well. Going back to school means that I am going to be stressed again which means more breakouts, and with weather getting colder I am certainly going to start getting drier skin. So as the seasons change, your skin care routine could probably use some slight tweaks as well.

The seasons change gradually and changing your skin care gradually too can help you prepare for the colder weather upon us. Help your skin brace itself for the windy cold air and follow a few of these important fall skincare ideas.

One thing’s for sure, moisturizer is key. In summer we often try to use light creams because the sun can turn us oily, but as we head into the drier months your skin will thank you for using something a little heavier. One of my favorites is the Cetaphil moisturizer. You can use this all over your body and face so it is a worthwhile purchase. Both Aveeno and The Ordinary also have great moisturizers that can make your skin stay soft for the weather.

Another great tip is that just because it is not 80 degrees and sunny anymore, does not mean that SPF can go away. Keeping this step as a part of your skincare routine is a great way to keep those fine lines and wrinkles on the back burner for several more years. SunBum and EltaMD are my favorites because of the dewy finish they give and also are not too oily.

One of my final tips would be don’t forget the lips! Your lips get hit with just as much cold air as the rest of your face so make sure you share the love with them as well. There are so many different options to use for your lips; you could use lip oil, lip balm or even a lip mask. Personally I love Chapstick Total Hydration in the Mint. It gives your lips a little bit of tingle and you get the moisture that makes your lips so soft.

Don’t let a change in your skincare be a stressor in your life. Slowly adding these steps will help you and your skin prepare for the seasons ahead. You can beat the cold before winter even arrives. Using these steps can have you glowing from both the inside and out.

Emma Graham

U Maine '23

A senior communication major passionate about sharing advice about all things college.