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Change Up Your Workout With UMaine Fitness Classes!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Now that summer is over and the cold Maine weather is about to set in, we all need to start thinking about bringing our workouts inside. Okay, we know what your thinking. “I get so bored doing the same workout every time I go to the Rec.” Well, why don’t you come on down and checkout the new group fitness classes? They are a great way to spice up your workout regime while meeting new people!

Two group fitness classes that are causing quite a buzz on campus this fall are the Aqua Zumba classes and the Beach Body Bootcamp classes. Both are new programs at the University of Maine and they incorporate some summer fun and motivation within the energetic 50-minute workouts:

Aqua Zumba- Get your bathing suit ready! This class is a great way to shape your entire body while having fun slashing in the pool. The class incorporates cardio and body-toning in the water as you move to the beat and learn the Latin-inspired dance moves of Zumba!

Beach Body Boot Camp- Keep that summer motivation going with an intense whole body, cardio workout. This class will work all your major muscle groups using a variety of equipment and high intensity cardio training. You will leave feeling strong and ready to rock your new school clothes!

To read more about all of the group fitness classes and to get a schedule visit: http://umaine.edu/campusrecreation/programs/fitness-classes/#classes

So, if you,re starting to think that you might want to give one of these classes a try we have great news- for the first few weeks of school the Rec Center is offering a free pass to tryout some a several of the classes offered! As always, some of the classes are free year round, so there is no excuse for you not to at least try one of them! As one of the Rec Center fitness instructors, Abby, told us, “We have such a great facility and I think more students should take advantage of the fitness opportunities that are available to all of us!”

photo credit: google images