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Campus Cuties: Garrett & Nick Bernardo

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Campus CUTIES: Garrett Bernardo & Nick Bernardo


GB: G-Baby

NB: Nicky-B


GB: Albany, NY

NB: Albany, NY

Relationship Status?

GB: Single

NB: Single


GB: 18



GB:Business Management

NB: Business Managment 


Favorite thing about UMaine?

GB: UMaine Baseball

NB: Playing UMaine Baseball and having my bro tie up the cleats with me

Favorite Place to eat in Orono?

GB: My brother’s house

NB: 55 College Ave

How do you like to spend your weekend?

GB: playing baseball, hanging out with the boys

NB: Solid work out and relax with the crew

Boxers or briefs?

GB: Briefs

NB: Briefs

Ski or snowboard?

GB: ski

NB: ski

What were you for Halloween?

GB: Benny the Jet Rodriguez

NB: Brick from Anchorman

Favorite quote?

GB:“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard” -Tim Notke

NB: “ I know that God is the one who changes hearts, but I am always eager to try and plant a seed” –Tim Tebow 

Favorite food?

GB: Chicken Parm

NB:Ma’s penne a la vodka 

Favorite sports team?

GB: The 27 time World Champion New York Yankees

NB: thee New York Yankees 

Favorite song to dance to? 

GB: anything avicii, his mixes are above and beyond 


Your brother’s best trait?

GB: he brings out the best in me, he’s always having a good time

NB:  He makes me laugh and is fun to be around, he’s also pretty good at picking up any popular song on the guitar.. 

you and your brothers biggest beef?

GB: he gets all the nicest polo shirts, i get the walmart specials…

NB:  Showing up to his first college party rockin a Scotty Pippen Jersey, also when he thinks he’s bigger than me. 

favorite thing about going to school with your brother?

GB: having the opportunity to play baseball with him in college

NB: Having my best friend with me at college, and using his meal card

Who’s the golden boy?

GB: Cade, our 6 yr old brother, no doubt

NB: Gotta say my 6 year old bro Cade. 

What do you think your brother looks for in a girl?

GB: A nice girl with a good, genuine heart that takes pride in who they are in all circumstances

NB: sincere girl who doesn’t try to do too much, good looking with some flare. 

What do you look for in a girl?

GB: A sincere, genuine girl that doesn’t try to impress me and knows how to have a good time at the

same time 

NB: true, genuine, humble girl who’s an influence to me and those around us