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Campus Cutie: Zebediah Letourneau

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Basic Facts

Name: Zebediah Letourneau

Hometown: Rochester, NH

Relationship Status: Single

Sign: Taurus

Twitter?: @UMaineATO


Campus Life

Major: Business Management & Marketing

Favorite thing about UMaine: When the windchill causes actual pain.

How are you involved on campus: Senior Skulls, Alpha Tau Omega, The Maine Campus, and I go to SPIFFY for the free pizza.

Favorite place to eat in Orono:  Harvest Moon

Campus posse (name some friends): The Skulls, ATO, my crew at The Campus and the night janitor at the Union- he’s a homie.

Best place to meet people at UMaine: The events! I’ve met some of my favorite Blackbears at UMaine hockey games and campus concerts.

Why did you choose UMaine: The people, the scholarships and UNH sucks.

Best Professor: Clint Relyea

Best Class: Leadership w/ Mckenna or FTS 101

Worst Class: 6th Grade PE- that was a rough one.

How do you like to spend your weekends here: Rock climbing, the outdoors and a whiskey sour at Woodman’s.


What is on your ipod’s top rated: J Cole & Gambino

Boxers or Briefs: Commando. Every day.

An embarrassing confession: I’m team Chuck Bass.

Guilty Pleasure:  Fetty Wap

Ski or Snowboard: Ski

Salty or Sweet:  Salty

Cats or Dogs: Dogs

Dream job: CEO

Biggest Pet Peeve: Girls who use me for my body.

Favorite Charity: Black Bear Battle Ball!  It’s an orb soccer tournament October 3 at the Mahaney Dome. All proceeds go to the Shriners Hospitals for Children. 

Three words to describe yourself: “I’m a flirt.” – R. Kelly



Favorite song to dance to at a party: 679

Favorite food: Sushi.  Women love sushi right?

Favorite Beer: OBC’s White Nitro

Favorite App (game or otherwise):  Google Calendar & Apple Stocks

Pick up line: Netflix and chill?

 The Nitty Gritty

Craziest place you’ve ever had sex: On the slopes

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: Sorry ladies, can’t give you all my secrets. 

What do you look for in a significant other: Someone who’s able to have stimulating conversations and can laugh about anything. Integrity and a good sense of humor are attractive.  So is someone who is very driven about a passion or hobby.

Deal-breaker: If you’re clingy. 

Celebrity Girl Crush: Jennifer Lawrence is bae.

Celebrity Man Crush: Jax Teller

Aley Lewis is a senior journalism major at the University of Maine, and photography editor on the student run newspaper, The Maine Campus. She grew up in Boston in an italian family, and is planning her trip back to the city upon graduating. Aley loves cooking healthy recipes, and over indulging on hair and beauty products! You can find her at the gym, on Newbury St, or playing with her cat, Coco. 
Kate Berry is a fourth-year journalism major at the University of Maine in Orono. She loves reading about the latest trends and events.