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Campus Cutie: Theo Andersson

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Theo Andersson
Age: 21
Hometown: Geothenburg, Sweden       
Major: Mass Communications
Relationship: Single
Memberships: Hockey team, Maine Athletes Against Violence, Athletes for Sexual Responsibility
Interests: Playing hockey, golf, hanging out with friends
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
What Girl Trend Do You Hate/Not Understand: When girls wear sweats to class and they look like they just go out of bed.
Favorite Way to Spend a Saturday: Playing a really good game and winning, then going out with my teammates.
Fun Fact: When I was 12 I won a ping-pong championship. 

Shaina Dennis is a senior at the University of Maine majoring in mass communications and double minoring in public relations and business administration. She was born in heels, preferably 5” stilettos, and is a lover of traveling, shopping, cooking, laughing and meeting new people. She is an active sister in the Delta Nu chapter of Alpha Phi and when not obsessing over anything sparkly, Shaina can be found making sushi and taking photos. But don’t let the glitter and pink fool you, this girly-girl drives a stick and can fish for lobster like no other. Although she grew up in a small, rural town, Shaina is a city girl at heart and loves a fast-paced lifestyle of always being on the go!