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Campus Cutie: Jake Keefer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Name:Jake Keefer
Hometown:Eliot, Maine
Relationship Status:Single

Major: Education
Favorite thing about Umaine:The drive home.
Favorite place to eat in Orono:Verve
How do you like to spend your weekend:Friends, family, and the ocean.

Boxers of Briefs:Briefs
Boobs or Butt:Butt
Embarrassing Confession:I’m a Campus Cutie
Salty or sweet:Sweet
Dream Job:Getting paid to surf and travel.
Fun fact:I was an extra in Heavyweights.

How do you let someone know you’re interested:Ask myself, “what would Ryan Gosling do?”
What do you want the ladies to know about you: I can teach them how to surf.
What do you look for in a girl:Humor and a girl who is about as mature as I am. Too mature is too intense.
Celebrity crush:Selah Sue

Favorite song to dance to at a party:This Is How We Do It
Favorite food: California Burrito
Favorite sports team:Red Sox

Is there anything more to life than being really ridiculously good looking: I plan on finding out what that is.