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Campus Cutie: Desmond Randall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Desmond Randall

Age: 22
Hometown: West Seneca, NY
Major: Print Journalism
Relationship Status: I want a girl when I want a girl, and when I don’t want a girl, I want a girl who understands that.
Memberships: Wide Receiver on the Football team; Dominating in Intramural Basketball (Team Top Flight).
Interests: Sports, writing, making Ro TV, and music
Boxer or Briefs: Briefs
Favorite Quality in a Girl: If they look good when they work out in simple workout clothes, hair up in a pony, spandex on and a workout tee.
What Girl Trend Do You Hate/Not Understand: That’s tough. I can tell you my favorite trend for a girl to wear though, gaucho pants. Actually, I hate when girls wear beat down Uggs, that are leaning and busted.
Favorite Way To Spend a Saturday: Winning a game, then getting it in with the team. 
Fun Fact: I don’t know how to swim.

Macey Hall is a senior at the University of Maine studying Journalism with a minor in Sociology. She loves fashion and traveling, and studied abroad last year in England. On campus, she writes a weekly fashion column for the school paper, The Maine Campus, and is president of Lambda Pi Eta, an honor society for Communications students. Macey is an extrovert who loves laughing, tacos, clothes, and reading, and wants to be a Kardashian when she grows up.