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Campus Celebrity: Sex and Wine with S&J

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Sex and wine. Who doesn’t think this is a great grouping? Sarah Hinman and Josh O’Donald certainly seem to love the combo and it’s their passion for both that led them to create their weekly show, “Sex and Wine with S&J”, where they discuss various sex subjects and of course, down a glass (or two or three…) of wine.

Created in fall of 2009, Hinman, a 23 year-old Human Development graduate student from Cumberland, Maine and O’Donald, a 22-year-old Business Marketing and Management undergraduate student from Newburgh, Maine, came up with the show mutually via Twitter as Hinman had been O’Donald’s TA for the Human Sex course which is how they became friends. Over a discussion on sex talk shows, both joked how they should have their own and as a trial run they posted their first episode on Facebook. Immediate feedback from viewers was positive and voila, “Sex and Wine with S&J” was born (the S&J feature derived from the duo’s obsession with Gossip Girl). Hinman had a friend who worked for The Maine Channel, and through knowing the right people, the show is now broadcast on The Maine Channel nightly from 8pm to 6am as well as on the Fan Facebook page, “Sex & Wine with S&J”.

For those who have yet to discover the show, it’s basically the two charismatic hosts discussing an array of sex subjects, ranging from booty calls to debates on the intimacy of oral sex to masturbation, and often times, bringing on a guest to add to the lively discussion. Their audience is directed towards college students, “The show is about the stuff that you wish people would talk about, but maybe don’t. Like what the time frame for a booty call is or is there such thing as too big of an “age gap?”” Hinman told us. The show is supposed to have a “live” feel to it with guest stars and call-ins.

Sex & Wine is filmed on a weekly schedule and sometimes every other week, dependent on Hinman and O’Donald’s schedule. They do basic editing on each episode using iMovie and their only limitations are the 20 minute time restraint that Zuckerberg gives them.

The show can be pretty racy and controversial, depending on the week’s topic, but you always know that it’s exactly what people want to hear. The two decide on their topic beforehand, where sometimes they’ll have a topic in mind or other times the topic is based upon whatever the guest is coming to talk about. Other times on a more improve level, Hinman and O’Donald just sit down, wine in hand and decide on the topic directly before filming,

“With Josh and I, there is never any dead air. We could literally talk about nothing for 20 minutes without a pause, so I’m sure we’ll never be short on content. If all else fails, we will fill the silence with banter about how much Josh hates Twilight and Glee,” laughed Hinman.

With all this talk of penis, vagina and what to do with both, there are some who are bound to be a little bashful around such provocative subjects but there have only been positive reactions thus far. Both have had multiple people come up to them at parties or bars and exclaimed how much they love the show, “I’ve had so many random people come up to me and be like, ‘I love Sex & Wine’ or one time at the Union a random kid walked by me and gave me a high five while saying, ‘Hey Sex & Wine!’,” Hinman explained.  Even the professors who have watched the show have had positive feedback for the two,

 “I think they’re supportive of anyone willing to take an initiative and pursue things themselves. I also think that many of them agree with making the issue of sex more open and to allow people to discuss it without feeling awkward,” commented O’Donald.

Of course sex is a touchy subject, especially with parents but both Hinman and O’Donald’s know about the show,

“My parents know about the show. My mom loves it, but my dad isn’t allowed to watch it. He sometimes worries that it’s going to affect my future career options or that employers will look down on it, but they I remind him that I’m going into the field of sexuality and that the professionals in my field that have seen it, love it,” said Hinman

Now in its second season, the duo plan to keep winging it but want to get the entire season onto the Maine Channel, not just certain episodes. With no concrete plans for the remainder of the season, the two want to continue to push the boundaries and talk about what others are too shy or uncomfortable with. At some point they would like to have the CHF351 TA’s guest star, discuss the differences between being metro and Gay, watching porn, online dating and sex and the dreaded…dealing with a bad kisser.

With about 250-400 weekly views on their Facebook Fan page Sex & Wine has certainly garnered much attention around the UMaine campus. Hinman and O’Donald hope that the show will allow more people to feel free to discuss sexual topics with one another. “Seeing people talk about various topics on a weekly basis makes the issue of sex less taboo and it makes them more comfortable with the idea of talking about it,” said O’Donald. Not only does the idea of two college kids running this program make the concept of Sex & Wine that much more unique but it allows other students to feel comfortable with their peers when discussing such issues, “I hope that it is sparking conversations, and if at least one person is getting laid because of our show, then it has had a positive impact (just wear a condom!),” Hinman remarked.

The show isn’t only attracting a student following, but some Professors, including Dr. Caron enjoy it, and staff members, such as Deb the Lunch Lady and Andre in IT. One of their goals for the year is to expand their audience base and continue to gain more viewers. Hinman and O’Donald have also taken their show outside of the media forum by tabling at the campus Sex Carnival last year and even donating $100 to the Beta Sleep out against Rape event. The two would like to get in touch with The Trevor Project, which is one of the biggest gay support organizations in the world, “We really want to bring awareness to gay and lesbian issues, as well as of course just touching on other popular sexual topics,” said O’Donald.

Both have immensely enjoyed their time and commitment to Sex & Wine and will continue on their path to fame and fortune. Hinman and O’Donald clearly have much to say and there is no doubt that people will continue to tune in to hear what these two have to say. Both emphasized the naturalness of sex and that while the topic may currently be so taboo in today’s society, they want to try to bring it out in the open one episode at a time.

In the mean time, follow Hinman’s advice and, “keep having sex, send us topic ideas, and as always, wear a condom!”

Photo Credit: Katie Donlon 

Shaina Dennis is a senior at the University of Maine majoring in mass communications and double minoring in public relations and business administration. She was born in heels, preferably 5” stilettos, and is a lover of traveling, shopping, cooking, laughing and meeting new people. She is an active sister in the Delta Nu chapter of Alpha Phi and when not obsessing over anything sparkly, Shaina can be found making sushi and taking photos. But don’t let the glitter and pink fool you, this girly-girl drives a stick and can fish for lobster like no other. Although she grew up in a small, rural town, Shaina is a city girl at heart and loves a fast-paced lifestyle of always being on the go!