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Beat Spring Fever: Tips to Make it Through This Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Beat Spring Fever: Tips to Make it Through This Semester

Happy spring, Collegiettes! It’s that time of year again when Victoria’s Secret bikinis empty our bank accounts, workout and diet plans for the summer kick into high gear and school seems less and less important. I am here to remind all of you lovely ladies that it is also the time of year when there are only two weeks of classes left before finals, and projects, essays and tests start to pile up. However, with the aid of just a few organizational tips, you still can squeeze in a few last barbecues before saying goodbye to another year at UMaine.

  • Make Lists.You know that friend who always has her planner, and checks it before and after class? The same friend who always types her notes up after class, and seems to be on top of everything two weeks before it has to be done? That friend can teach you a pretty important organizational task. Writing a list of your projects, tests, papers and general to-do tasks can be an effective organizational tool to make sure you don’t fall behind. Start by writing out everything you have to do, and then decide which tasks are the most important. Sort the list from most important to least, and check it off once you finish! Nothing is as satisfying as checking that annoying twenty-five page paper off of your list once you send it to your professor.


  • Focus.
    This might sound simple, but focus levels are becoming harder to maintain as recreational activities start sounding more and more fun. With Maine Day in a little over a week, DayGlow fast approaching and many other campus activities on the horizon it can be hard to focus on the paper you keep meaning to write. Beat procrastination and try relocation! If you have a hard time focusing in your room, go to Fogler and grind out some work. If the first level of Fogler is too loud, try the quieter floors upstairs! Location can play a major part in your focus level. Listening to classical or trance music (generally something without lyrics) can be helpful for shutting out distractions as well. Finally, Make a rule for yourself about checking Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites and stick to it!


  • Set Goals and Rules.This can be one of the most effective tips in organizing your time. Come up with a goal for yourself for the day or week  – whichever works best for you. Examples could be that you have to finish one paper and fill out your study guide by Wednesday, or typing all of your notes up by Friday.  Turning these goals into rules can also be effective; tell yourself that you can only go out on Thursday if you finish all of your study guides, or come up with a rule that works for you. If you stick to these rules it can be an efficient way to organize how you deal with your time.

With graduation and summer jobs looming just a few weeks away, it is important to savor what time you have left with your friends. However, neglecting school isn’t an option. Maximize your time with these tips and make sure you still have enough time to enjoy what’s left of the Spring 2012 semester!

photo credit: google images