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Avoiding that “Winter Weight”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

            Nothing is better than the end of the calendar year. Thanksgiving is on its way, which also means the holiday season is right around the corner. Good feelings will be spread everywhere, presents will be exchanged, and turkeys have no chance of survival. I’m willing to call your bluff if you tell me you don’t look forward to holiday feasts. My mouth waters just thinking about all of the side dishes, the gravy smeared turkey/ham/goose/whatever you choose to eat, and desserts for days. The unfortunate side effect of fantastic feasting is worrisome weight gain. How are we expected to get through the holiday season while still maintaining our fabulous figures? Here are a few simple tips to staying slim this season and still enjoying it to its full extent.


1.    Portion control. Just because there are twenty different dishes on the table doesn’t mean you have to eat a full helping of all twenty dishes at once. Grab a little scoop of potatoes (mashed and sweet), green bean casserole, stuffing, and every other delectable dish. You still get to try everything without busting your belt.

2.    Eat slowly. If you consume your food slower, your stomach will be abel to recognize it’s getting full and you’ll may avoid the food coma on the couch (drool included). Take your time eating and talk to your family. Discuss your school escapades and how much you’re loving college. The food will still be on your plate between your sentences. I can almost promise that. (Everyone has that one mooch family member.)

3.    One word: Leftovers. Who has a holiday feast and doesn’t end up with leftovers? No one. All of that food is so good on the first night and you have the opportunity to relive the flavor explosion for days after. So, when creating your plate on the first night of feasting, remember that you still get to eat all of this food for a few more days. Don’t take all of it and don’t feel the need to eat it like it’s your last meal. There will be more tomorrow for lunch. And dinner. And another lunch. And the dinner after that. And breakfast if you’re creative enough. (Turkey omelets, anyone?)

4.    That workout grind. You may be home and enjoying a brief hiatus from the pressures of school but that doesn’t mean you should quit #teamgetfit. The gym may not be as accessible as on campus, but you can still work out in your living room. Do some squats, push ups, or sit ups. Maybe go on a walk with your mom or dad. Run around with your dog. Heck, play in the snow! Every little bit will keep you from coming back to school with an extra layer of warmth in the spring.


            It is 100% possible to enjoy the holiday season and not return to school looking like the before picture from a weight loss commercial. Keep these tips in mind and have a happy holiday season!

Taylor is a fourth-year journalism student at the University of Maine and one of Her Campus UMaine's campus correspondants. Taylor was born right outside of Philadephia, Pennsylvania, but spent summers teaching sailing on Vinalhaven, Maine. Taylor also produces video for The Maine Campus, and loves making videos.