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Astrological Sister Signs: What Are They and Who Is Yours?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

     Within the 12 signs of the zodiac, there exists six pairs of astrologically-linked sister signs. You may find yourself drawn to your sister sign, or discover that it’s your best friend’s or actual sibling’s sign. Sister signs are sun signs that  oppose each other on the circle of the zodiac, such as the first season of Aries paired with the seventh season of Libra. Sister signs share modality, which represents when in the astrological season you were born. The pairs also have “congenial elements,” which are complementary elements like fire and air or earth and water. At its core, these are signs that deeply understand and bring out the best in each other because while they have their differences, they play off of each other well and balance the other out. Basically, I highly recommend finding your sister sign BFF if you haven’t already!

1. Aries & Libra

With the active elements of fire and air respectively, Aries and Libra are both cardinal signs, making them a part of the “bosses” of the zodiac. Aries is independent and always the spontaneous friend, while Libra is much more laid back. Easily-tempered Aries meets gentle Libra and somehow, the pair are able to equalize each other. Aries lifts Libra up by being in-the-moment and passionately defending them when needed while Libra simultaneously brings Aries back down to Earth and calms their strong emotions. Because of this, Aries and Libra make the perfect mix of energetic and calm!

2. Taurus & Scorpio

    Fixed signs Taurus and Scorpio are the definitely the most sisterly of the sister signs because of their stubborn tendencies. It’s important to note that sister signs are not signs that have many similarities, but rather complementary differences. While both hold an immense amount of passion (and jealousy), earth sign Taurus is much more outright and comfortable expressing these feelings while water sign Scorpio requires some time. Because both signs are extremely hard-headed and territorial, fights and disputes are bound to happen and will be quite messy. But, like sisters, the pair always bounces back stronger than ever. The phrase “Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em” probably originated from a Taurus talking about a Scorpio or vice versa.

3. Gemini & Sagittarius 

    Did Nancy Drew have a sister who was also a child-detective? If she did, they definitely were a Gemini and Sagittarius power duo. Air sign Gemini and fire sign Sagittarius are both fiends for information, wanting to know as much as possible about everything. While Gemini has a more jack-of-all trades approach by getting small tidbits of knowledge about various subjects, Sagittarius tries to find more meaningful and in-depth information. Either way, these sister signs are the FBI agent friends when it comes to finding anyone on social media, and can probably be seen at a party somewhere gossiping in the corner every half hour.  

4. Cancer & Capricorn

    Cardinal signs Cancer and Capricorn are the Kitty and Red Forman pair of the zodiac. While both signs are known for nurturing their loved ones, they show it in completely different ways. Soft water sign Cancer will drown you in their almost-unconditional love and care, while practical earth sign Capricorn is much more keen on tough love. In a close relationship, Cancer will express their gratitude for their level-headed Capricorn by nurturing their emotional needs and Capricorn will return this gesture by making sure Cancer has taken care of their practical needs. Cancers will cook their Cap a full-course dinner full of their favorite foods if they’re having a bad day, while Capricorn will remind their Cancer of every appointment they have because they know if they don’t, they’ll forget.

5. Leo & Aquarius

    Both known for their unique personalities, Leo and Aquarius are the personable, creative dream team. The pair are fixed signs, meaning they are similar in the way that they are consistent and persevere through difficulties. However, Leo’s element of fire makes them much more self-oriented and quick to take action while Aquarius’s element of air needs a strong community that they can selflessly serve. Leo will shout from the rooftops for their love of Aquarius (or just show an immense amount of PDA), while Aquarius requires a deeper, emotional connection to express adoration. Despite their differences, Leo and Aquarius both are immensely creative individuals and have an amazing ability to balance out the other’s energy. 

6. Virgo & Pisces

    Grounded earth sign Virgo meets their perfect match with whimsical water sign Pisces. Both mutable signs, Virgo and Pisces play off of each other well and have what they both need. Fact and reality based, Virgo is easily accepting of Pisces’s selfless love and care. On the other hand, Pisces’s head-in-the-clouds nature makes Virgo necessary to bring them back down to earth. This pair of sister signs represents the perfect balance of practicality from Virgo and creativity from Pisces. 

Grace Bradley

U Maine '23

Hello all! My name is Grace and I'm a fourth-year Communication major with a minor in Journalism here at UMaine! Originally from Connecticut, but I wanted more trees! Biiig music, art, and politics gal. Give me every outlet of expression!!
Logan Swift

U Maine '23

Logan is a rising third-year student attending the University of Maine! She is a Her Campus editorial intern and the president of the Her Campus UMaine chapter. Outside of Her Campus, she loves photography, fitness, and playing some good 'ol Animal Crossing.