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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Freshman year is always one filled with transitions and difficulties, and if you’re an out-of-state student like me, it can be even more difficult. You’re on your own for the first time and you may even be in a state where you don’t know anybody. It’s not always easy adjusting to college and figuring out a new social circle, but luckily I have some tips for you to make it easier!

First: Don’t be afraid to let yourself feel the sadness of being away from home and everyone you know. College is a time of transition and it’s okay if you get upset sometimes. But, you also can’t let it hold you back from all the amazing opportunities that will be coming your way.

Second: Join whatever clubs seem interesting to you. I know it seems a little daunting to find new friends, but joining clubs and putting yourself out there is one of the best and easiest ways to do it. Also, if you’re shy like me don’t let it deter you from joining clubs. Walking into a room filled with people who may already know each other seems pretty anxiety-inducing, but I promise nobody is going to judge you or make you feel uncomfortable. If they do then you just need to move on to the next group!

Third: Get into a routine as best as you can. Everyone says that college is rough due to the lack of sleep and the “freshman 15.” If you’re able to get yourself on track early on in your college career, then this won’t be the case (also if you gain some weight during college, I promise you that it’s not a big deal). You just need to ensure you’re doing what’s best for yourself, whether that be establishing a good workout routine or switching up your sleep schedule!

Overall, college is a time that’s meant to be filled with fun. It’s the time for you to truly figure out who you are without your parents breathing down your neck. If there’s any last advice I can give you, it would be the advice my big brother gave to me… “be patient with yourself.” Life isn’t easy and there are a lot of ups and downs, but remember to never put too much pressure on yourself.

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U Maine '23

I'm currently a junior at UMaine majoring in psychology and minoring in marketing. I am also apart of the Honors ambassadors team and a recent member to the HerCampus group here at UMaine. I have a passion for writing that has gotten lost in translation over the past year so I'm hoping to spark that passion again while making some amazing friends.