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5 Ways to Stop Stressing!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Fall break has come and gone and hopefully given you all a much needed long weekend. Keep the stress-free vibe going through the end of the semester by making these de-stressors a habit!

Make a list and then prioritize

If you have written out everything you need to do for the week, make a priority list of what to start first. Keep in mind the length of time you think it will take you to finish each task, and consider starting the ones that will take a bit longer first. When you get tired of working on one task that may be taking a long time, move to a smaller task you can finish easily or quickly. This will help you keep your momentum going!
Hit the gym
Working out releases hormones that make you happy and gives you more energy. Taking an hour out of your “work” day to go to the gym will give you a break from the mental strain and boost your energy to keep going once you leave. Bring a magazine or a book (not required for class) and give your brain a break!


Keep time for your friends…
If you’ve been working hard all day make sure to schedule in down time. Round up your friends for a night out to dinner, or invite everyone over to watch a movie. Taking the time to relax is necessary if you want to stay balanced and healthy.
But realize it’s OK to say no
You’ve got 2 tests and a 10 page paper due next week, are working a double over the weekend, plus volunteering for your favorite cause. And your roommate needs you to make the teams even for her ultimate Frisbee club team! Realize that you’ve got a lot on your plate and it’s ok to say no. There’s no harm in acknowledging that you can’t do everything, for everyone, all the time. The important part is to not feel guilty about it. You are only going to hurt yourself if you overbook your time.
Lose the accessibility
We’ve got Facebook, Twitter and FirstClass up on our laptops, and our phones 6 inches from our hands. If you really want to stop stressing ditch the electronics for a couple hours! Go out for a walk or drive, and leave your phone at home. It will be a welcomed relief not having to update your 10 closest friends on your whereabouts every half hour. 

photo credit: google images