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5 Ways: Spruce Up Your Space

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

It’s Spring! And that means its time to de-clutter, re-organize and spruce up your room. It doesn’t always have to be a chore, and it shouldn’t take you hours! Check out these easy ways to tidy up your room and decorate a bit.

Get rid of old clothes
I am a notorious pack rat, and this one is especially hard for me. I want to hold onto everything, even if I haven’t worn it in months. This is how I decide what I should keep: put all your clothes on hangers with the hook facing you (as opposed to facing the wall). Once you wear something, put the hanger back as normal. Articles of clothing that are still facing the opposite way after a month you can probably donate. Or if you’re looking to make some money check local consignment shops to see if they’ll pay you for your clothes!
De-clutter your desk
All the old papers, pay stubs and post it notes can be thrown away. Unless you need to keep an essay and you don’t have it on your computer it can be tossed; it’s only taking up space.  Start to minimize the things left on your desk by immediately writing down appointments and events in your phone or planner, instead of leaving post it notes everywhere.

Keep it in a container
Any thing is container-worthy, especially small things that you have a lot of like nail polish or bobby pins. Instead of them finding a home strategically skewed in every corner you can find space, visit www.thecontainerstore.com and find a container to fit anything and everything. Containers immediately make any space look more organized and clean.
Ditch the posters
In high school posters were fine. Now that we’re in college posters are a bit juvenile, and you can easily replace them with a more sophisticated form of decoration like framed pictures or a shelving unit. Add candles or incense for some aromatherapy or books for an intellectual feel. Memo boards are another great way to go. They can be a little messy without killing the vibe of the entire room.

Watch where you throw things
Do you always have a dirty pile of clothes in the same spot… that’s not in your hamper? Move your laundry basket there. If you find you’re constantly taking your shoes off and leaving them at the door instead of in your closet, move your shoe rack there. Keep track of where you usually throw things and rearrange your room accordingly, that way you’re room will stay cleaner – even if you’re not consciously cleaning up.
 Images from nikkisblog.blogspot, and goodhousekeeping.com

Macey Hall is a senior at the University of Maine studying Journalism with a minor in Sociology. She loves fashion and traveling, and studied abroad last year in England. On campus, she writes a weekly fashion column for the school paper, The Maine Campus, and is president of Lambda Pi Eta, an honor society for Communications students. Macey is an extrovert who loves laughing, tacos, clothes, and reading, and wants to be a Kardashian when she grows up.