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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

Battling with keeping your skin happy and healthy is always a struggle. Whether you carry the “good skin care genes” or not, we all have a hard go here and there with beating blemishes. The quickly changing weather here in Maine doesn’t seem to help much either, so it’s important to incorporate a little extra time into your skin every morning and night. Beat the blemishes with these holy grail skin care tips. They’ll keep you feeling confident, happy, and more educated about the importance of your skin!

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a lifesaver, and despite some theories about it being too oily for your face, it is one of the best natural and usable products if applied correctly. One way to use it is as a makeup remover! Using a cotton pad, place a small amount of coconut oil on it, and rub off that hard to erase mascara. If you have eczema or any burns, coconut oil can relieve the itchiness or the burning sensation to help it heal. It can be used as a night moisturizer as well, but if you are prone to acne or oily skin, just be careful! Apply a few drops in with your daily nighttime moisturizer and wake up to soft skin.

2. Morning Cleansers

Morning face washes are more rejuvenating for your face than most people realize. Washing your face every morning with a gentle cleanser and moisturizing afterwards can not only wake you up in the morning, but keeps your skin feeling healthy and nourished. You notice a difference immediately in your skin, and you won’t want to miss a morning of it after. I use the Andalou Natural Coconut Water Firming Cleanser , which is only $13.00. Other recommended cleansers are Cetaphil and Garnier . When buying these products, check for what types of skin the cleanser is used for. They have different ingredients in different cleansers for all skin types!

3. Moisturizers

Moisturizers are one of the MOST IMPORTANT parts of skincare that there is. Moisturizing your skin twice a day, (except I usually end up moisturizing more like three times in the winter) significantly changes how your skin feels, and in the long run, it prevents wrinkles, sunspots, and dry patches. A lot of people don’t realize that moisturizers highly improve oily skin. Moisturizing with oily skin can feel like you are just adding more oil to it, but moisturizing actually reminds your skin that it doesn’t need a huge oil buildup to keep the skin from drying out. I have placed my money into so many different kinds of moisturizers, from high end to drugstore. Right now, I am using the Ponds moisturizer, which is a drugstore brand, and has rich hydrating ingredients suitable for sensitive skin without clogging pores. Other brands I recommend are Clinique and Neutrogena (which makes a lot of lotions specifically for oily skin).

4. Serums and Mists

Serums and mists are an underrated skin necessity. Night serums are created to give a glowing, smooth look to your skin the next morning. They are extremely hydrating, and they don’t clog pores. Adding a couple drops into your moisturizer before bed every night can change how your skin looks and feels in the morning. I recommend Neutrogena and SheaMoisture . Toning mists help in the mornings or night, and I usually spray my face with rose water after I moisturize in the morning. This helps to tone and tighten your skin. You can find any types of rose water in a drugstore.

5. I know you hear this all the time…but diet and water!

This probably sounds like a record on repeat, but I cannot stress enough how important your diet is incorporated into your skincare. Not that it isn’t okay to binge and get a pizza after a night out, or eating ice cream while you’re watching TV; we all do that. However, make sure you put in more fruits and vegetables in your diet if you feel as though you aren’t getting enough. The nutrients in those food groups are valuable for skin, and rich with antioxidants and vitamins (which, by the way, dark chocolate also contains)! Make sure you are keeping up with your water intake. Just as your internal organs need to stay hydrated and flushed, your skin needs the same rejuvenation. Carry around a reusable water bottle with you wherever you go, and make sure to fill it up at least once during the day to ensure you’re staying hydrated.

Keep on staying confident and give your skin time to adjust to new skin care routines! Sometimes when the skin isn’t used to new products, it can react for a couple days with spots or acne, but it doesn’t mean forever. These products are designed to help you and your skin feel healthier and better, so don’t give up!


Maddy is a junior at the University of Maine. She is from right outside of Worcester, Massachusetts. She is an English major and wants to become a journalist. In her free time, she skis, hikes, reads and hangs out with her friends.
Gabbi is a senior at the University of Maine studying English with a concentration in creative writing and a minor in Psychology. She hopes to write and publish her own novel one day!