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The Various Personalities of Your Friends…and Why You Still Love Them

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Every girl has her circle of friends, those girls who are always there for you no matter what you’re going through. But, within every circle of friends there is a dark side to the personalities of those who are closest to you.  From Sex and the City to Mean Girls, every friend carries some kind of personality that is distinctly negative. For some reason, we can’t help but love them anyways. Part of it probably has to do with the fact that we carry one or two of these qualities ourselves, but hey nobody is perfect!

The One Who Gets All The Attention

She’s the friend who everyone secretly envies. She’s beautiful without even trying, she melts the hearts of every guy who sets eyes on her, and every girl wants to be her friend. This friend is the biggest sweetheart out of the group and will always tell you what you want to hear. When you’re out, she has no problem being your “wingwoman”.  Often, she does not even notice the attention she receives from everyone in the room. She is the Carrie Bradshaw of the group. 
Why you still love her: This friend is the most social and is always up for a good time. If you decide that you want to go out on a random Monday night, she’s right there with you. This friend probably has the largest group of friends and maybe you even know most of your friends through her. She never forgets to introduce you to everyone, and she will never say “no” when you ask her to put in a good word for you with her hot guy friend.

The Competitive One

This friend envies the friend who gets all the attention the most. To her, everything is a game and losing is not an option. If she sees a guy flirting with you when she is not getting any attention, it is likely that she’ll put herself between you and the guy so he has no choice not to look at her. Then later she will go on and on about how the guy was flirting with her so much and how annoying it was. She’s the friend who you refuse to run next to because she continually will look at your treadmill screen to make sure she’s running faster than you. Consider this friend your very own Gretchen Wieners. 
Why you still love her: While this friend might not always have your back when it comes to liking the same guy, she is very protective of you when it comes to other matters. She’s the friend who will totally call out that girl who is giving you dirty looks and whispering to her friend across the bar and will throw a drink in her face too if needed.

The Skanky One 

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Every time you go out she’s bound to bring a guy home or shack-up at some random dude’s place. She’s got a long list of booty calls on speed dial and isn’t afraid to use them (pun intended).  She refuses to study at the main library because she is afraid to encounter any of her drunken hookups soberly. Plan B is her plan “A” and she has a stockpile of the $5 off coupon from the Plan B website. Not to mention she’s on a first name basis with the pharmacist at CVS. Helloooo Samantha! 
Why you still love her: While your skanky friend is working her game at the bar, the guy she’s hitting on is likely to buy her friends shots too, thus resulting in FREE DRINKS! Also, since this friend is seasoned in the bedroom department, she gives the best advice when it comes to how to become a sexual goddess.

The Unsolicited Advice Giver

She has an opinion on absolutely everything and judges everything you do. She insists that her psychology major warrants her rude comments and objections to your lifestyle. In her eyes, you rarely do anything right and she’s not afraid to tell you exactly why. You often question whether or not she is stalking you, because she always seems to know what is going on in your life.  She can talk for hours about topics that you never even asked her advice on. Just call her Charlotte.
Why you still love her: Sometimes you just need someone to talk to and she’s always up for a heart-to-heart. It may be hard to admit but most of the time her advice is good advice and she can always empathize with what you’re going through. When it comes to matters of the heart she always sides with you and can convince even the most shattered of souls that things will get better. She’ll laugh with you, she’ll cry with you, and she’s probably one of your best friends.

The Self-Centered One 

If the conversation is not about her, she’s not listening. Actually, if the conversation is not about her, she’ll just butt-in and make it about her. She never hesitates to fill you in on how perfect her life is and how she has so much going for her. You generally avoid conversing with her because it usually results in making you self-conscious. She demands to be the center of attention especially when in large groups of people. Her forte is saying negative things about herself like, “Oh my god, my nose is so big!” just to make you compliment her and discount yourself by saying, “What are you talking about? Your nose is so dainty, look at my nose, I look like Adrien Brody!” She is you very own Regina George. 
Why you still love her: You know deep down that self-consciousness and insecurity are at the root of her attitude. You almost applaud her ability to hide it so much better than you, and it’s not like she’s self-centered all of the time.  When talking one-on-one she is the most genuine of all your friends and she seems to be able to understand you better than anyone else.

It may be hard to admit, but you probably fill one or more of these roles yourself. It helps to better appreciate your friends who fill some of these roles too. It’s funny how different these people are but how close you are with them at the same time. If anything these personalities help balance each other out, and keep your friend circle sane.


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Emily is a junior at the University of Iowa and is studying Journalism and Pre-Law with a minor in Health Communication. She has been a part of the Her Campus University of Iowa team since it was founded in 2010 and is a member of Ed on Campus. She has grown to love magazine writing and editing and if she somehow can't land her dream job (to be Carrie Bradshaw), she wouldn't mind settling for a job in the magazine industry. If nothing else, she hopes to attend law school somewhere in the Bay Area out West, her favorite place to be. Since the age of 15, Emily spent her summers in California, doing internships and falling in love with San Francisco. Some of her other interests include her 4-month-old longhaired wiener dog Henry, blogging, celebrity gossip, sushi, Private Practice, fro-yo, being a journalism nerd, and anything involving good conversation with good people. Although she's not exactly sure of her plans for the future, she knows journalism will somehow be the driving force in her career.