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Thoughts that every college girl has when waking up to a snowstorm

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Let’s be honest, the only exciting thing about second semester is participating in syllabus week festivities. Other than that, come January you realize that your brain has to start working again and winter break is over…meaning your mom is no longer around to do your laundry and wait on you hand and foot. On top of all that, especially at the University of Iowa, January is grey, cold and snowy. So, when that Sunday afternoon snowstorm hits you’re truly less than pleased. Most college girls, whether you live in a sorority house or off campus apartment, all stumble across the same slew of thoughts…


1.     “Omg. Are classes cancelled? I’m definitely not going today.”

2.     “I really don’t feel like throwing on one hundred layers of clothing right now.”

3.     “The fact that there’s a blizzard outside is totally an excuse for not going to the gym, right?”

4.     “It’s also an excuse to eat tons of warm comfort food. Think mac and cheese and Ramen noodles.”

5.     “I’m thinking we spend the day consuming ridiculous amounts of hot chocolate.”

6.     “Maybe since we can’t go to the gym, let’s all do a workout video?”

7.     “Nah, nevermind. Let’s have a Netflix marathon.”

8.     “Which show? Scandal, Friday Night Lights or Friends?”

9.     “Can delivery men still drop off pizza in a blizzard?”

10.  “Hey, can you pass the M&M bowl?”

11. “Let’s do one of those at-home facials. Don’t you use like, honey and avocado or something?”

12. “Ok, wow, I feel like we’re in a snow-pocalypse.”

My name is Ally Glennon and I am a sophomore at the University of Iowa. I am a double major in journalism and mass communication studies, with a focus on public relations.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.