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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Every Sunday night I make a to-do list for what I need to accomplish for the week. It can get pretty hectic between school, work and extracurricular that lead to sleepless nights and early mornings (welcome to college). Yet, I always manage to survive the week, thanks to coffee. One day, after having my third cup, I reflected to myself on how I was able to manage getting through life without drinking coffee. Like many, it wasn’t until college until I started getting hooked on America’s favorite caffeinated beverage. And now, I can’t imagine my life without it. I feel like us college students take coffee for granted, since its so incorporated into our crazy busy lives. It’s time to give this drink some appreciation! 

Thank you for keeping me awake.

I know coffee will keep my mind and body alert, whether it’s to keep me from falling asleep during a late night lib study sesh or getting me through my 8 a.m. class.

And thank you for allowing me to be more productive.

On busy days, coffee keeps me going like the energizer bunny from morning to late night, so I can cross off everything on my to-do list without taking tempting nap breaks.

 Ah, and thank you for acting as a meal replacement when I’m to busy to make food.

On days when I have no time to make food, I know coffee will do the trick by filling me up and holding me over until I have a short time window to whip up something!

But most importantly, thank you for keeping me sane.

When the caffeine kicks in, it’s almost as if I am a new person, ready to conquer any task at hand with more motivation and a better attitude. 

Let’s give it up for coffee for getting us through college!

Image Credit: GIF 1, GIF 2, GIF 3, GIF 4

U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.