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So, You’re Going Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

As the school year continues to drag on, homesickness is sure to rear its ugly head, leaving many students eager to get back to the comforts of their families and hometown. Fall weather provides beautiful scenery for road trips and October seems to be a month that many students begin planning trips back home, whether it is 20 minutes or five hours away from campus.

Without the luxury of being on break from classes for more than just the weekend, students sometimes have a hard time balancing how they spend their time once they’re back in their humble abode. Never fear, for we have asked several students what they feel are some of the most important things to do during visits back home so that you know exactly what you need to make time for!

Spend time with family


Whether you are super close with your family or not, it is always important to put some time aside to spend with your family while being home. It can be immediate or extended family. Take time to catch up on all the family drama you’ve missed out on and let them in on how school has been going on so far. Parents and grandparents love to know what’s going on in the life of loved ones, especially now that you’re all grown up and out on your own.  There’s no doubt that they’ve missed you while you’ve been away at school, so don’t be afraid to show them some love!

Hang out with old friends

Hometown friendships are some of the best relationships to have, so be sure to hangout with those you still keep in contact with—especially if it’s been an overdue visit. Remember, you’re never too old for sleepovers! Sometims you just need a night to catch up with your sister from another mister. Let them know everything you’ve been up to since your last get-together and find out what’s new with them! It’s probably safe to say that you have loads of stuff to catch up on, the kind of stuff that can only be communicated via facial gestures and inside jokes. So go ahead; be crazy, be loud, be best friends. We all know how much you’ve missed your partner in crime.

Make time for your pets

The family pet can sometimes be your best friend. They listen to you vent without complaining, cuddle with you when you’re sad, and are always excited to see you walk through the front door. Make sure to let your four-legged friend know that you haven’t forgotten about them despite how long you’ve been gone. Treats make the reunion even better!

Eat at your favorite food joint

It seems like everyone has one local restaurant in their hometown that they just couldn’t live without. Most of the time it’s a hole-in-the-wall place that your friends back at school have never heard of, but the cheap prices and homey taste keeps you coming back time and time again. While you’re home grab a couple of your buddies and make the trip!

Sleep in

There are few joys in the world that can compare to the feeling of sleeping in your own bed for the first time in a while. Don’t worry, we won’t judge you if you want to sleep in for an extra hour… or four…Let’s be honest, sometimes no one knows you better than the cool side of the pillow.

Do laundry

Are your quarters running low? Well, whether that’s the case or not, you should definitely try to save some change by bringing your dirty laundry home to wash for free. Some of you will be lucky enough to have a mom who lives for the day you come home with unclean clothes to wash—it reminds them of the good old days before you were independent. If you are one of the fortunate ones, make sure to thank her!

Eat a home cooked meal

Being away at college has probably not been an easy transition for your stomach. Busy schedules and late nights leave little time for students to eat good quality meals with all the fast food and pizza joints scattered around campus. Make sure that when you’re back home you get to enjoy a nice home cooked meal—whether you have to cook it yourself or your momma is nice enough to cook it for you. The extra counter space, fully stocked dishware, and unexpired groceries in your parent’s kitchen are more than likely fair game so take the home field advantage and get excited about it!

Take advantage of your home shower

For those who are currently living in the dorms, taking a shower back home can easily make your entire trip. No waiting for an open shower, no clumps of random hair clogging the drains, no shower caddies, and best of all YOU DON’T HAVE TO WEAR FLIP FLOPS! Bring on the bare feet! It’s okay to get a little emotional; we’ve all been there. Go ahead and belt it out, girl! At least this time you won’t have to worry about being judged by the girl in the shower next to you.

Go to an old high school game

Being home is a time to reminisce on the past. If you have the chance, you should make it out to your old high school for a game. No doubt that your high school had some part in shaping you into the person that you are today and it’s always fun to get back to your roots! Plus, you get a glimpse of just how crazy you looked like when you were in high school showing your idea of school spirit.

Get in your overdue appointments (doctor, dentist, etc.)

Odds are that since you’ve been away at school you haven’t had a chance to make it to the doctor or dentist. Planning an appointment while you’re back home is always a good idea. Get yourself checked out and get your teeth cleaned. Always take an opportunity to make sure you’re as healthy as can be; you definitely won’t regret it. 

Depending on how long you plan on being back home, your options may vary as to what you should consider highest priority, but we’ll leave that up to you to decide!​


U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.