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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Name: Scott Picone

Nickname(s): Pinecone, piner

Hometown: Downers Grove

Age: 21

Major: Marketing

Relationship status: Taken

Astrological sign: Gemini

Favorite food: Chinese

Celeb crush: Selena Gomez, Mila Kunis and Jennifer Aniston…I couldn’t pick one.

Three words to describe yourself: Funny, Competitive, Nice

Favorite TV show: Seinfeld

What celeb would you pick to play yourself in a movie about your life?: Marky Mark for sure.

Biggest pet peeve: When people fish for compliments. 

All time favorite song: Lose yourself. Eminem

What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?: Threw a bike in the Iowa River

I’m addicted to…: Chinese food

Go-to late night food in Iowa city? I could live on Falbos and Marcos

Favorite pick up line: Do you need an inhaler? Cause you got ASS, ma. It works every single time.

Guilty pleasure: Double decker grilled cheese with hot sauce from my main man Marco.

If you were a type of alcohol what would you be and why? G&T baby, because it’s like Christmas in your mouth.

My friends make fun of me for…  falling in a fountain before the greek week dance competition…even though I was pushed! 

Gabby is a junior at the University of Iowa, working towards her double major in Communication Studies and Anthropology with a minor is Psychology. She is originally from LaSalle, Illinois and enjoys writing, traveling, and fashion.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.