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An Open Letter to You on Your Birthday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

To you on your birthday,

Happy Birthday!

First of all, if you have the chance, call your mother and thank her for bringing you into this world. (I hope she will call you anyway, so just make sure you cover that with her during the conversation.) In truth, you didn’t do much on the day you were born. However, that certainly does not mean you shouldn’t be celebrated for the special person you are. 


Isn’t it crazy how many years have flown by? It seems like just yesterday that you were walking around in diapers and eating applesauce. And things may have seemed simpler then, but the best years are ahead of you. They always are if you choose for them to be. It’s never going to benefit you if you dwell too much on the past, whether it’s the bad memories or the good (how many times have we heard a well-intentioned uncle say high school or college are the best four years of our lives?). However, a birthday can operate like New Year’s Eve — it’s a fresh start while serving as a time to look back at the past year. Try to acknowledge all you have accomplished and learned. It’s always good to be aware of how you are growing as a person. Did you do all the things you wanted to this year?

On the other hand, look at how you want to improve in the next year. What do you hope to accomplish in this year of your life? I hope that you are able to work hard enough to get everything you want out of life and realize that the things you don’t get were never meant to be.

With all that being said, enjoy today. Go out with your friends and eat cake. Lots of it. Even if you’re on a diet. This is the best day of the year for a cheat day. You don’t owe anyone anything because this one day is all about you.

And if everyone forgot your birthday, I’m terribly sorry. As the funny, intelligent, radiant, darling person you are, you don’t deserve that. I got you a present! And it’s for both dog and cat people.

If neither of those are you, here’s one for hedgehog people, which I think encompasses everyone because everyone is a hedgehog person. Just look at that little face!

Regardless of the amount of people who wish you happy birthday (or don’t), I hope you are validated in the fact that you did it: you made it through another year of life. Have a wonderful day, and don’t forget to eat cake!



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Paige Netzel is a senior at the University of Iowa, studying English and Creative Writing with a Cinema minor. Coffee, creating playlists, and gratitude are essential to keeping her going. Check her out on Twitter for some hecka funny tweets or on Spotify for those dope playlists.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.