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Mistakes Every Freshman Makes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Ah, freshman year. It’s the beginning of a fresh start. You are finally able to make your own decisions about how to spend your time, what you will eat, the people you hang out with, and the clothes you are going to wear to class. You’re on your own schedule and no one can tell you what to do.

However, with new found freedom comes great responsibility. Fresh starts mean you also have the chance to make new mistakes. In case you haven’t heard of the common pitfalls of being a college freshman, here’s a quick lesson.

You are exceptionally good at sticking out like a sore thumb. Yes, “freshies” are the worst at blending in. You may think it is because you look awkwardly young, but it’s actually the fact that you wear a lanyard around your neck every single day. This is a common newbie mistake, and the upper classman can smell it from a mile away.

You travel in packs. For some reason, freshies love to travel in groups of people. This is understandable, as you are new to campus and want to have a buddy system. However, it limits your chances of making friends outside of the dorm you live in. Get out, and spread your wings.

You go home too often. The fastest way to isolate yourself from the campus experience is to go home every weekend. I had a roommate that did this and none of us connected with her. She also felt very lonely on the weekends. I wonder why?

You carry everything you ever needed for class in your backpack. Don’t do it. Just don’t. The campus is way too big to be carrying your entire life on your back.

You don’t take advantage of what you pay for. I know too many people who make the mistake of not looking up what they pay for—as an example, every student inadvertently pays to use the Campus Recreation and Wellness center, yet most don’t use it.

You stick with the safety net. Don’t, I urge you, don’t stick to what makes you feel comfortable. College is the time to explore, not be complacent. Explore organizations, music, sports, etc. Don’t limit yourself.

You try to party when you can’t actually party. Obviously, partying is a big part of college life. However, if you aren’t 21, partying in Iowa City is next to impossible. Don’t waste your free nights standing outside of bars when you could have been watching a movie with new friends or going out for a fun dinner. 

Victoria is a junior studying journalism and mass communication at the University of Iowa. She has written for The Daily Iowan and is now a contributor for Her Campus as well as Fiterazzi Magazine. Her favorite topics to write about are fitness, beauty, entertainment, and human interest pieces.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.